
Revision as of 21:48, 5 August 2008 by Dbarral (talk | contribs)
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Hi, today is 2008/08/05 23:23, just created my account and want to see the xo working. After browsing the wiki, I'm following the instructions in the [[1][Emulation Page]]. Let's see how it goes

    • Download and install

Downloaded [[2][olpc_xo_qemu (Version: 0.009)]] and installed

  1. python install

$ xo-qemu --new-user

Welcome to OLPC laptop emulation on QEMU. and have instructions for gettings started.

Checking qemu... ok. Checking qemu's kqemu... Is kqemu installed? I can't tell. The emulated laptop is painfully slow without it.

It might be installed, but not available. Usually this occurs when modprobe has not been run since you last rebooted.

OK I'M REBOOTING, but first I'll run 'xo-qemu --report', which is slow too