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Test case: Short name::Nand-full
How to report results

Stream ,|x|Build stream::x}}
Category [[Test category::{{{testcase_category}}}]] Sub-category [[Test subcategory::{{{testcase_subcategory}}}]]
Component System component::Journal/Datastore
Feature System feature::trac #7591
Objective [[Test objective::Fill up the Nand memory to >88%; Ensure on the next boot that some files will be deleted automatically to allow booting.]]
Tools Test tools::Python script to create files of random data (http://dev.laptop.org/~erik/code/fill_ds_random.py). Copy files, concatenate files to get to 88%.
Setup Test setup::Fill a laptop with files.
Procedure [[Test procedure::1. Get to >88% diskfull (check progressvia 'df' command).

2. Reboot laptop
3. Agree to deleted files]]

Expected Results
and Pass Criteria
Pass criteria::The laptop should give the message that the disk is full and tell you that it will remove files to allow booting.
Comments More notes::none
Release Stream Build Pass/Fail Trac Ticket(s) Comment(s) Date of Test
Software release::Candidate Build stream::update.1 Build number::709 PassFail::Pass ,|x| #x}} Comments::none Created::