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Status: under development
Version: 1
Base: No
Source: git
l10n: missing
John Huang, ...

Balboa and 23rd Avenue in the Richmond District. ,


  • Provide children with a way of recording interviews, stories, and other oral history from one another and from other community members
  • Provide a way to backup and publish stories to local school servers and to a global story map.


  • John Huang
  • Zaheda Borat
  • add your name here

Group: Local stories

Group coordinator: Stephen Cho (see also local history projects in Nigeria, Brasil)

Curator(s): Lauren Klein

Allottable size:

Meta data file format

Source Availability

  • Git - maintained by John Huang
  • Svn (guest/guest) - maintained by Cyrus Katrak - probably not up-to-date?


work in progress screenshots

Journal-ish interface. use Record tab to access recording toolbar. the listview shows recorded stories; click on the ear-icon to listen to story. (10/23/2007)
Screen shot of OurStories activity in recording tab, showing recording time ticker, progress bar, and story browser scroll-bar. (11/01/2007)

Functional Test

Start the Record activity.

Click on the camera icon to take a picture. Click on the recording icon to start recording, and again to stop.

Close the activity; make sure it closes properly.

External Links

  • none yet; see the sourcecode link above.

Activity Summary

Icon: Sugar icon::
Genre: Activity genre::Other
Activity group: ,|x|Activity group::x}}
Short description: [[Short description::An activity for recording an interview with someone else using an XO. It works with the built-in camera and mic or with an external microphone. This is currently being developed in coordination with the OurStories project to make the XO an effective tool for recording stories.]]
Maintainers: ,|x|Contact person::x}}
Repository URL: Source code::
Available languages: ,|x|Available languages::x}}
Available languages (codes): ,|x|Language code::x}}
Pootle URL:
Related projects: Related projects,|x|Related projects::x}}
Contributors: ,|x|Team member::x}}
URL from which to download the latest .xo bundle Activity bundle::
Last tested version number:
The releases with which this version of the activity has been tested. ,|x|Software release::x}}
Development status:
Ready for testing (development has progressed to the point where testers should try it out): ,|x|Ready for testing::x}}
smoke tested :
test plan available :
test plan executed :
developer response to testing :