Tests/Activity/Read/Private sharing

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Test case: Short name::Private Sharing of a PDF
How to report results

Stream ,|x|Build stream::x}}
Category [[Test category::{{{testcase_category}}}]] Sub-category [[Test subcategory::{{{testcase_subcategory}}}]]
Component System component::Read
Feature System feature::http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Read
Objective Test objective::Verify that users can share a PDF file privately.
Tools Test tools::No test tools needed.
Setup Test setup::At least two XOs running the same version of Read, preferably the latest.
Procedure Test procedure::(to be finished)
Expected Results
and Pass Criteria
[[Pass criteria::1. The PDF file should load on host machine.

2. The PDF file should be transferred to the other XOs.
3. The PDF file should be readable on the other XOs.]]

Comments More notes::Stub test case.
Release Stream Build Pass/Fail Trac Ticket(s) Comment(s) Date of Test