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Actividades para Perú, Versión 6
This is a list of activities included in builds for Peru.
TamTamJam: org.laptop.TamTamJam Music composition and synthesis. Tamtam has four separate activities : TamTam Jam, Edit, Synthlab, and Mini.
Download: TamTamJam (latest) (v.56)
Pippy: org.laptop.Pippy Python Programming language/environment
Download: Pippy (latest) (v.40)
Etoys: org.vpri.EtoysActivity Learning / programming / authoring environment
Download: Etoys (latest) (v.113)
Log: org.laptop.Log An activity version of the Sugar logging tool
Download: Log (latest) (v.24)
XaoS: org.codewiz.XaoS An old-skool fractal zoomer, this is the raddest program ever!!!!!
Download: [ XaoS (latest)] (v.1)
Puzzle Slider Puzzle: org.worldwideworkshop.olpc.SliderPuzzle Slider Puzzle to improve on puzzle solving skills
Download: [ Slider Puzzle (latest)] (v.5)
Moon: com.garycmartin.Moon Moon phase viewer, includes Lunar phase information, eclipse data, and various display options.
Download: Moon (latest) (v.12)
StarChart: org.laptop.StarChart Plots constellations, stars, planets, sun, moon and some deep-sky objects for anywhere on Earth at any time.
Download: StarChart (latest) (v.14)
Words: org.laptop.Words Translating dictionary with speech synthesis.
Download: Words (latest) (v.4)
Scratch: An easy-to-learn, multimedia programming language. Snap together colorful command blocks to create interactive animations, stories, and games, then share your creatiions on the Scratch website.
Download: Scratch (latest) (v.19)
Puzzle Jigsaw Puzzle: org.worldwideworkshop.olpc.JigsawPuzzle Classic picture-constructing game
Download: [ Jigsaw Puzzle (latest)] (v.3)
Speak: vu.lux.olpc.Speak An animated face that speaks whatever you type
Download: Speak (latest) (v.25)
Ruler: com.laptop.Ruler Graphical cm/mm ruler and grids to take measurements of lengths and angles of objects the size of XO laptop screen
Download: Ruler (latest) (v.8)
activity Clock activity: tv.alterna.Clock A simple clock to learn to read time. Different views are available (Analog, Digital, Nice, Talking clock). Consistent colors help children learn and remember. Now with Time To Speak (TTS).
Download: Clock (latest) (v.6)
#REDIRECT Projects/GCompris Geography (latest) # REDIRECT Proyectos / GCompris Geografía (más)
Sudoku GCompris Sudoku: net.gcompris.sudokuActivity GCompris sudoku activity
Download: [ GCompris Sudoku (latest)] (v.7)
Tangram GCompris Tangram: net.gcompris.tangramActivity GCompris tangram activity
Download: [ GCompris Tangram (latest)] (v.7)
Chess GCompris Chess: net.gcompris.chesscomputerActivity GCompris chess activity, using gnuchess
Download: [ GCompris Chess (latest)] (v.7)
поверив, что этот псих старается вести себя дружелюбно. помню... - Кружка все еще улыбался, но в глазах его стояла боль. - Как скачать бесплатно оракул гадание гороскоп совместимость
Poesia: Spanish poetry collection
Download: [ Poesia (latest)] (v.?)
Manual Peru Manual: Peruvian XO manual collection
Download: [ Peru XO Manual (latest)] (v.?)
Guia-OLPC: Peruvian OLPC/XO guide
Download: [ Guia OLPC (latest)] (v.7)
TextosCicloIV-V: Peruvian texts and poems for IV and V Ciclos
Download: [ Textos Ciclo IV-V (latest)] (v.13)