Tests/Activity/Browse/No Visualization

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Test case: Short name::Browse test of totem plugin
How to report results

Stream ,|x|Build stream::x}}
Category Test category::Activity Sub-category Test subcategory::Browse
Component System component::Browse
Feature System feature::Totem_plugin
Objective Test objective::Confirm that the totem plugin's audio visualization is disabled, as this is a waste of power and CPU.
Tools Test tools::
Setup Test setup::XO with Browse activity
Procedure [[Test procedure::1. Open the Browse activity

2. Find a link to a .ogg vorbis audio file and click on it. Here is one you can use: http://www.xiph.org/vorbis/listen/41_30secOgg-b64M.ogg]]

Expected Results
and Pass Criteria
[[Pass criteria::The audio should start playing after a short delay, and a picture of some percussion instruments should fill most of the display. It SHOULD NOT show a pretty colour pattern shifting and warping in relation to the music because this is a waste of CPU resources.]]
Comments More notes::
Release Stream Build Pass/Fail Trac Ticket(s) Comment(s) Date of Test
Software release::Candidate Build stream::8.2 Build number::757 PassFail::Pass ,|x| #x}} Comments::No video; audio played nicely. Created::