
Revision as of 23:07, 7 September 2008 by Douglas (talk | contribs) (Note that the server is identical to USB acitvation.)
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The XS Activation service runs on the school server. It listens on port 191 serving un-activated XO laptops with activation leases. If it doesn't know a laptop's activation lease, it does nothing. The leases are automatically imported when a USB drive with a valid lease.sig file is attached (see Firmware Key and Signature Formats). The USB stick can also be used to activate XOs directly: this package is a short cut in that process and has an identical effect.

The activation service uses xinetd, which means it does not run as a daemon but is started up whenever necessary.

Likely use case

This service is primarily used by brand new laptops, at boot time. Once the laptops have activation leases they renew them via other means. A laptop will only need this service again if its lease expires.

Often the laptops will be activated in batches in a warehouse situation. Early laptops depolyments have being given very long leases and are unlikely to need re-activation in the hardware's lifetime.


README in the latest development version
