Interested schools

Revision as of 00:47, 16 September 2008 by Hurness (talk | contribs) (→‎US Schools)
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Schools in the United States will be able to get XOs through the Give One, Get One program when it launches in Fall 2008. Every interested school should create a page on the OLPC wiki describing their project vision, goals, implementation plans, what you are doing to prepare, etc. Schools should also get a technical development team to work with them and send in a Developers program application to get trial XOs.

US Schools

I teach in a school in eastern Washington State that is 98% hispanic, and 87% free and reduced lunch which puts them below the poverty level. Is there a plan for US schools that allows access to this program? I am not sure where to post this question but would appreciate some information. I have many bright students with no access to technology though the town secured a grant for wireless internet which is available to all within reach of the signal. Unfortunately, there are still no tools for these kids to use!

Non-US Schools

  • Xavier School - Manila, Philippines

OLPC Philippines Interested School List