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Test case: Short name::SmokeTest/StartUp
How to report results

Stream ,|x|Build stream::x}}
Category Test category::SmokeTest Sub-category Test subcategory::Start Up
Component System component::boot up features
Feature System feature::
Objective Test objective::Boot up your XO unit to see if it can successfully connect to the various networks available within 1CC.
Tools Test tools::XO unit
Setup Test setup::
Procedure [[Test procedure::Actions
  1. Boot the laptop
  2. Connect to a school server AP (such as xstest), WEP (canopy/Passphrase (128-bit) pswrd:'xoxoxoxoxoxox') and WPA (olpc pswrd:'xoxoxoxo') access points]]
Expected Results
and Pass Criteria
[[Pass criteria::Verify
  • If in secure mode: the laptop shows pretty boot (only with stable builds)
  • The laptop boots into sugar
  • The journal loads
  • The laptop connects to one of the following (whichever one is highest on the list and available to the laptop)
    • A school server - If there is a school server present, the laptop MUST be tested against the school server. If it cannot connect to the school server, that is a major failure.
    • A preferred AP
    • An MPP
    • A local mesh
  • The XO should connect properly to a WEP or WPA enabled AP]]
Comments More notes::
Release Stream Build Pass/Fail Trac Ticket(s) Comment(s) Date of Test