,|x|Build stream::x}}
Test category::SmokeTest
Test subcategory::Installing a Library Bundle
System component::
System feature::
Test objective::Go to the Collections wiki on the XO unit and download some reference materials
Test tools::XO unit, internet connection
Test setup::
[[Test procedure::online
- Open browse and connect to Collections wiki option on search page Library grid
- Click on the 2.3 Religion link
- Click on the NET Bible download link on the right (bible-en.xol file)
- On the following page, click on Bible-en.xol link (should download and install in /home/olpc/Library)
- Click on another randomly selected file from the Collections page
- Close and reopen the browser
- Check through the index on the left under books, and find the bible and second bundle that you just downloaded
- Open it
offline -for builds before 760 (after ?)
- On your XO browse page click on "science" under the lefthand index, then "biology"
- Click on Phyla [PDF].
- Click on "OK" after download is completed
- Go to the journal, and locate the .pdf file and resume it]]
Expected Results and Pass Criteria
[[Pass criteria::Verify -online
- The XO can get to the Library grid page
- When you click on the .xol bundle it is downloaded to the clipboard + journal, and it is installed in /home/olpc/Library
- The file is accessible in the browser index
- You are able to open and view the bible
Verify -offline
- The XO can get to the "biology" menu
- When you click on the Phyla [PDF] link, the .pdf file is downloaded to the journal, and is opened by Read automatically]]
More notes::