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Test case: Short name::Trying different connection types
How to report results

Stream ,|x|Build stream::x}}
Category Test category::SmokeTest Sub-category Test subcategory::Trying different connection types
Component System component::
Feature System feature::
Objective Test objective::Connect with a school server and confirm in terminal
Tools Test tools::2+ XO units, school server access
Setup Test setup::
Procedure [[Test procedure::Actions
  1. The laptop should boot up and connect to the school server by default if you are near one
  2. If you don't want to reboot to connectOn click on the Mesh Network Channel, which the school server is on, in the mesh view
  3. Wait for the circle to stop blinking ( in older builds the outer circle goes white to show successful connection) and hover your cursor to ensure connection
    • To check your connection, go to terminal one (ctrl alt mesh)
    • At the login, type "root", and then type olpc-netstatus (for newer build, type "olpc" instead of "root")
    • Note whether the result of Telepathy/Jabber is salut or gabble
  4. Go to the mesh view (ctrl alt home and then mesh)
  5. Note the XO's you see -are they laptops around you, or ones most likely beyond the reach of the laptops wi-fi?
  6. Do the same with a second or third laptop to ensure that it's in the same configuration]]
Expected Results
and Pass Criteria
[[Pass criteria::Verify
  • The laptop connects to the school server by default after reboot
  • (alternatively) The laptop connects to the school server if you click on its portal point in the mesh view
  • The result of running olpc-netstatus is:
    • IP msh0 :
      • 172.x.x.x(172.18.x.x when connected to the School server in OLPC offices)
      • 192.168.x.x
      • 10.x.x.x
    • Config : School server
    • Telepathy/Jabber :
      • salut (means failure to connect to a jabber server
      • gabble (then the result of Jabber is : {name of jabber server you're connected to}
  • If you're running salut, you only see laptops that are around you and also connected to the same server
  • If you're running gabble, you see laptops connected to the same jabber server
  • NOTE: laptops running gabble cannot see laptops running salut and vise-versa]]
Comments More notes::
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