
Revision as of 18:39, 24 November 2008 by Sj (talk | contribs)
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The OLPC outreach gang keeps track of public announcements, press releases, public news sites and blogs devoted to OLPC, and public profiles and communication channels for OLPC and its major partners.


Here are recent and planned public announcements:


  • Planet OLPC blogs
  • OLPCNews and other community news sites
  • Deployment blogs : OLE Nepal, Waveplace, Uruguay, and other active blogs

And updates to the list of blogs by 5 editors, one for each major region of local groups and deployments:

  1. North America
  2. South and Central America
  3. Africa and the Middle East
  4. Europe
  5. Asia and Oceania

Someone will soon have to make the hard choices about where to place Turkey and Mexico in the above...

Campus groups

There are two main projects here:

Regional chapters

  • National chapters
  • Volunteer deployment groups, by country and region
  • United States chapters

Social network profiles

  • Facebook accounts and cause
  • Twitter and Myspace accounts
  • Other accounts

Public relations

  • Tracking our PR announcements and upcoming press releases, with an eye towards correcting any mistakes in facts or language. In particular, releases developed jointly with partners tend to overemphasize the role of the partner, sometimes to the offense of the larger community, when not reviewed closely enough.
  • Drafting new press releases for partners and local groups when we reach important milestones together, or when they reach milestones in their work related to OLPC.