Talk:Illinois Math and Science Academy Chapter

Revision as of 02:46, 27 August 2012 by Joely (talk | contribs) (My apology is overdue. Sorry for my years of immaturity.)
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Low Cost Laptop Bill

There is a house bill that recently got to third reading(the final reading before vote if I remember correctly) that, "Creates the Children's Low-cost Laptop Act. Requires the State Board of education to establish a procedure and develop criteria for the administration of a low-cost laptop pilot project whereby low-cost laptop computers are provided to each student, teacher, and relevant administrator in a participating elementary school and the use of open-source educational software and computer skills training is implemented." If so inclined, you can read the full text at

I think as a chapter we should do a letter(email) writing campaign for the passing of this legislation to all of the senators and representatives in Springfield.Jrock 23:30, 20 March 2008 (EDT)

Any News from IL-TCE?

How did the presentation at the end of February go? You guys need to write this stuff up! Let's see it. Holler if you want my help, I can chat on the phone for 15 and write a summary for you. KayTi 15:43, 18 March 2008 (EDT)

Proper wiki protocol!

Please please please please please log in before editing wiki pages. Also, if at all possible, use the comments field; it's there for a reason. -- ScottSwanson 02:22, 23 January 2008 (EST)

2008-2009 update

This page needs a refresh from the chapter leaders this year. Arjun, Gabi, and Kevin: to work! ScottSwanson 23:39, 9 October 2008 (UTC)