Talk:UBIFS initial experiments

Revision as of 07:45, 13 October 2008 by Dedekind (talk | contribs)
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Hi, I'd like to comment this:

  *  UBI is taking an extremely long time (~50s) to attach to the MTD device on the XO I am currently using for this testing.
     UBI attach time does scale linearly w.r.t flash size, however the 50s seems wrong. According to this, we should only
     take about 2 seconds.

I'm sure what you do is you erase the partition, then attach it to UBI. In this case UBI first read your partition and makes sure it contains all 0xFF bytes, which means it is empty, then it starts formatting this partition - it erases all eraseblocks again and writes the Erase counter and VID headers. This takes long time. If you attach it for the second time, it'll be fast, because it won't format it. Please, glance here: Please, also glance here:

Also, make sure you do not have UBI debugging enabled. It slows down things a lot. The same is true for UBIFS.

HTH, Artem Bityutskiy.