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The netsetup script completes the schoolserver network configuration. The command is:
./netsetup school server nameserver netmask
where school is the name of the school (one word), server is the IP address of the server, e.g. or DHCP if the IP adress is supplied by the ISP, nameserver is the IP address of the network nameserver (e.g., and netmask is the network mask (e.g. 255, 255,255.0).
#!/bin/bash #usage: ./netsetup school #where school is the name of the school, e.g. Kavre (use one, preferably short word for the schoolname) #where the second parameter is the IP address of the server: #where the third parameter is optional when the nameserver is the server IP address with the last field = 1 (i.e. #otherwise, enter the nameserver IP address (e.g. #where the fourth parameter is optional (default: Enter it if it is different set -x set -o nounset set -o errexit echo " version 2.0" > /tmp/summary.log #complete install and configuration of XS #get command line arguments school, server USAGE="usage: ./XSinstall school server" set +o errexit if [ -z $1 ]; then echo $USAGE; exit 1;fichange wiki page name if [ -z $2 ]; then echo $USAGE; exit 1;fi if [ -n $1 ] then SCHOOL=$1 else echo $USAGE; exit 1 fi if [ -n $2 ] then SERVER=$2 else echo $USAGE; exit 1 fi #this needs to be fixed so that default is $SERVER substituting '1' for the last field if [ -n $3 ] then NAMESERVER=$3 else NAMESERVER= "" fi if [ -n $4 ] then NETMASK=$4 else NETMASK= "" fi set -o errexit echo "school is $SCHOOL" >> /tmp/summary.log echo "server is $SERVER" >> /tmp/summary.log echo "WAN nameserver is $NAMESERVER >> /tmp/summary.log echo "WAN net mask is $NETMASK >> /tmp/summary.log echo "execute olpc domain_config script" >> /tmp/summary.log /etc/sysconfig/olpc-scripts/domain_config $ echo "Edit /etc/hosts" >> /tmp/summary.log #edit /etc/hosts LINE1=" $SERVER schoolserver1.$" sed "s/conference.schoolserver/conference.schoolserver\n$LINE1\n/g" /etc/hosts > /tmp/hosts cp /tmp/hosts /etc/hosts #confirm that /etc/sysconfig/network contains the lines: sed "s/IPV6_AUTOCONF.*$/IPV6_AUTOCONF=no\nHOSTNAME=schoolserver1.$" /tmp/network > /tmp/work cp /tmp/work /etc/sysconfig/network echo "/etc/sysconfig/network" >> /tmp/summary.log cat /etc/sysconfig/network >> /tmp/summary.log echo "fix resolv.conf" >> /tmp/summary.log sed "s/nameserver.*$/nameserver\nnameserver $SERVER/g" /etc/resolv.conf > /tmp/work cp /tmp/work /etc/resolv.conf service network restart sed "s/BROADCAST.*$/BROADCAST=\nGATEWAY=$SERVER/g" /tmp/eth1 /tmp/work cp /tmp/work /tmp/eth1