Common Rooms

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This is a concept from December 2006 that sort of worked. Probably better to just have pages for interesting topics, like Accessibility or Category:Software ideas

Common Rooms

Common Rooms are a way for someone working on a project to seek and hopefully obtain specialist help for a particular aspect of that project. For example, help with language translation, or artwork preparation or font issues.

Simply go to the appropriate common room and make your request and hopefully someone with particular interests, knowledge and skills in that specialist area will be able to provide help and assistance.

It is a virtual representation of being in a university environment and happening to ask someone about a problem over a cup of beverage in the common room. However, here each common room has its own specialist topic.

Common rooms will hopefully be a useful infrastructural feature of the One Laptop per Child project. They will hopefully provide a way for learning material authors to obtain specialist help and also will hopefully provide a way for specialists to be able to apply their interests, knowledge and skills so as to provide a real benefit to the project.

List of Common Rooms

'TODO: delete this, see [[:Category:Common Room (should be "Common rooms") instead.