
< Puritan
Revision as of 21:14, 15 December 2008 by (talk)
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To use Puritan, you need to install dependencies:

 # NB: mock >= 0.9.7 is needed.
 # debian:
 sudo apt-get install mock git-core
 # fedora:
 sudo yum install mock git-core
 # both
 sudo usermod -a -G mock $USER
 newgrp mock

and to check out and run a 'ui' and a 'compilation'.

 (git clone git://dev.laptop.org/users/mstone/puritan compilation; cd compilation; git branch --track 767 origin/767; git checkout 767)
 git clone git://dev.laptop.org/users/mstone/puritan ui
 python2.5 ui/puritan/main.py   # read help
 sudo python2.5 ui/puritan/main.py -v build ./compilation HEAD ./results -- -i

The '-i' option enables an interactive error-handling mode. If an error occurs:

  • type kwargs to learn what command failed
  • type import os; os.system('/bin/bash') to get a bash shell inside the buildroot for further debugging
  • type del kwargs['e'] then Ctrl-D to resume the compilation
  • type Ctrl-D to exit the compilation and clean up.

Note: if you encounter permission errors when running this command, you may need to:

 sudo setenforce 0  # disable selinux

Note: a word of warning: while _my_ uis and compilations will treat your computer nicely, other people's might not. Caveat emptor.

Some puritan compilations now feature a 'download' operation which can be used to download all packages that the compilation will install for later (offline) use:

 sudo python2.5 ui/puritan/main.py -v download ./compilation HEAD ./results 

This command will generate a program in the results directory which can be used to download the packages.