OLE Bolivia

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If my country made good use of its resources, we would be all doing great.

As things are, we have one of the richest countries in the planet, oil, gas, minerals, woods, water, grasslands, etc., etc., etc., we basically have already any resource you could mention.

BUT we end up having one of the poorest people in the Americas, often running neck-to-neck with Haiti as the one with the worst economic indicators. Nowadays some of those indicators "seem" to look better, thanks to huge gas exports, but, remember, that influx of money takes its while to reach the common people, as it is mostly handled by international companies, and the government - and will now be much less, as international energy prices fall.

I am convinced that the goal of an education project in Bolivia that uses computers is not to produce more engineers, lawyers, artists, not even to merely produce better ones of those, because, at best, at the end we just will be exporting the brightest of them to the North - which is only fair, as we so far fail to assure honest opportunities where effort entails success. The goal has to be to achieve a change in the parameters of relationships, where honesty in handling resources and relating to others is paramount and becomes a normal way of doing things. To achieve that, we need transparency in handling funds and materials.

Though I can always wish, I do not expect to be handling many millions, at least not soon. Meanwhile I can make sure that what little money we get is carefully and publicly accounted for. Doing my best that what is given to my people gets to my people, and is used as wisely as I can make it happen.


please do not modify this section, so as to keep data accurate - Yamaplos 23:36, 11 December 2008 (UTC)

in USD out USD status date comments
$ 350 $ 350 parents of Veritas Academy, personal donation to fund Yama's work cash Dec 2007 one XO computer off Craig's list purchased Jun '08 ($270), expenses in Indonesia
$300 $300 donor requested anonymity, personal donation to fund Yama's work cash June 2008 paid for one XO computer($200), solar panels ($100)
$ 337.99 $ 337.99 OLE, Inc. Check 205 Dec 12 08 Nov trip to Boston
$2.000 OLE, Inc. check 204 Dec 12 08 January trip to Bolivia
$2.000 OLE, Inc check 211 Jan 13 09 January trip to Bolivia

Donated Computers

Please click here for information on how to donate OLPC XO computers for Bolivia

to respect the privacy of donors I am only indicating the location of origin and serial number.

please do not modify the following table, so as to keep data accurate - Yamaplos 23:46, 5 January 2009 (UTC)

serial # from status updated on
CSN 747 01 FF9 Northville, MI received, tested OK Dec 11 08
CSN 74 802 A74 Forest Park, IL received, tested OK Dec 29 08
CSN 750 00 C07
CSN 749 02 252
Avon, CO received, tested OK Dec 19 08
SHC 839 04 924 Blacksburg, VA Received, tested OK Dec 27 08
CSN 74 702 D13 Topanga, CA received, tested OK Dec 29 08
CSN 74 901 406 De Pere, MI received, tested OK Jan 3 09
CSN 74 801 35F Seattle, WA received, tested OK Jan 5 09
SHC 844 02 7E2 Thornton, CO received, tested OK Jan 8 09
CSN 749 02 8F0 Flagstaff, AZ received, tested OK Jan 9 09
SHF 807 01 BF0 Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada received, tested OK Jan 14 09

Other Computers

I have received several other computers not as an outright donation, but either on loan or to be used for research, and I own 2 myself. To keep track of things, the information is below.

please do not modify the following table, so as to keep data accurate - Yamaplos 20:00, 4 January 2009 (UTC)

serial # where now status comments
? La Paz, Bolivia developer's program - received with bad battery, Aug 08 on loan to Gobierno Municipal de La Paz, Dec 29 08
SHF 80 800 93C Austin personal, Yama's Yama's main work laptop
CSN 74 702 9E7 Austin developer's program - received with broken case, Nov 08 to pursue projector research - Jan-5 to Jan-15 on loan for Science fair spectrophotometer XO project
CSN 74 803 DBB Austin personal long-term loan to Yama from M.G. since July 08. project
CSN 74 902 494 Austin personal, Yama's currently used for projector research, disassembled. Battery used for the one on loan to GMLP