User talk:Banwa

Revision as of 22:37, 3 April 2006 by Walter (talk | contribs) (→‎How about the rest of the countries?)
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How about the rest of the countries?

I agree with the nigerian who is worried about these computers falling into the hands of those who do not care for the education of children, especially in Africa. OLPC needs to discuss seriously how to make sure this initiative works differently and for eveybody. I was surprised to see that many countries on the African continent are still out of the picture. What will it take to put the rest of african countries on you list? How does that work? Mekoulnodji, a chadian.

We add countries to the list when they (the people of the country) ask. If you can organize interest in Chad, we'll try to work with you. --Walter

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. My next question is: is there any help on how to set a group of interest in a country? What is needed to be done?

We are trying to get concensus with a country with the federal government and then work with local organizations. Finding local groups that can begin to open some doors for discussion at the federal level would be helpful. Also, organizing the open-source community to lok at issues such as localization (local languages, etc.) would be of general help. --Walter