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CIXOS-FIA is a group of students, professors and graduates of the UNIVERSIDAD DE SAN MARTIN DE PORRES LIMA - PERU which interest is the investigation and development of topics relateds with the promotion of OLPC proyect in Perú; the creation of a community organized of developers of activities, grafic designers and voluntaries in general of the university; likewise, the diffusion through of development of workshops, conferences and easily of mass media like GMAIL and web page(in develop). All the work in the community will be destiny for support in children's education, developing activities that will help their education. Our principal object is to help children of all the world.


Be the best organized university community in South America, with a better level of knowledge in the operate and development of activities to XO and support in South America education.


Spread the OLP proyect in our university and out there, also in our country and in South America,offering the easiness of case, to students, professors and voluntaries that are interested in our work in support of children's education that are in poor places.


We consider as group values promote the spirit of colaboration sharing knowledges and giving tecnic support with our best intention to all communities.


  • XO GROUP SUPPORT: They take charge of the configuration of servidores de las escuelas, repair of XO's, update and investigation of GNU/LINUX and interfaz SUGAR and give solutions of configuration.
  • WEB COMMUNITY GROUP: The take charge of web development with free tools; publications, proyect's updates and spreading of the same trough the web, blog, etc.
  • PYTHON GROUP: They take charge of the activities development and improvement of SUGAR that are base on lenguaje de programación Python and the process of "SUGARIZACIÓN"of the activities.
  • GRUPO DE VOLUNTARIOS DE LA COMUNIDAD: Son todos aquellos que quieren apoyar al proyecto en general, dando aportes en sus tiempos libres, ayudando en los eventos.


Location : Universidad de San Martín de Porres Facultad de Engeneering and Architecture
Adress : Av.La Fontana 1250 - La Molina
City  : Has location city::Lima
Country  : Has location country::Perú

Involved areas: E-Business and InternetWorking

<googlemap version="0.9" lat="-12.071825" lon="-76.941698" zoom="18">-12.072245, -76.941419,University program</googlemap>


Desarrollo de Actividades

Grupo en el Facebook

Game Jam Peru


Desarrollo de Actividades

Grupo en el Facebook

Game Jam Peru


Desarrollo de Actividades TRADUCCION EN CONSTRUCCION