Projects/computer outreach

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  • Name: Computer Outreach Program using XO
  • Location: Tagaytay, Philippines
  • Number of Laptops Requested:1


  • <List your project objectives>


  • This project will reach and educate students in the remote areas, with XO activities.
  • Initiate and conduct presentations and demonstrations to teachers, students and school administrators.
  • Conduct activities that will students, teachers and school administrators hands-on experience with the XO and its activities.
  • Explore the possibility of developing a software (Courselab)

Project Description

  • I will use laptop to teach elementary students especially those that are

located in remote areas here in the Philippines about computers . I will utilize it in demonstrations , presentation , multimedia content and also give the children hands-on activities using the system. I will also use this for software development . One is mind is getting courselab software to work with this system. I think that software will help the children a lot in their computer education.

Project Member/s

  • Allan Victorio Alano
  • Experience:
    • perl , phyton , java , assembly , c++ , php programming chip reverse

engineering PC assembly router maintenance mySQL database administrator WLAN networking

Project Approach to Implementation


  • <List all activities for this project>


  • <List project events or Key deliverable for this project>


  • I would really like to see the day when I see that our country progress.

I think the only way that it can happen is through quality education. The state of education here in my country is not looking good . To remedy that I think children should have access to computers because I believe the internet has all the information you need the only question is how to harness that. By doing so , you will gain knowledge and knowledge is power , I believe that.

  • <List to date notes and progress>

Project Duration

  • <List all time lines for each project scope>


Project URL/Links