Boston College and University of Michigan, South Africa/Budget

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Expense Cost
One round-trip plane ticket from New York to Cape Town. $1350
Two one-way plane tickets from Washington, DC to Kigali. $2350
Two one-way plane tickets from Kigali to Cape Town. $1920
Transportation $300
Two bedroom apartment in Observatory, Cape Town. $800
Food $400
Hardware. This includes a USB thumb drive, Ethernet cables, a network extender, and a wireless router. $25
Vaccinations. Two team members already have the necessary vaccinations. $150
Visas Personal Expense
Refurbished projector $400
StarTech USB to VGA adapter. This is required to connect the projector to a laptop. This particular piece of hardware has been reported to work with the XO hardware. $100
Internet. We are currently researching the best option. This initial costs required by the Internet Service Provider. We are confident that we can network the building ourselves to avoid labor costs. This cost will also cover Internet access for at least 6-8 months after we depart. We hope to fundraise to cover even more long-term coverage. $1500
Website. The only cost associated with the website is the cost of the domain. We have found a sponsor to cover to costs of web hosting for a year. The website will be powered by Wordpress, an open-source content management system. $8.88
Total $9,295