OLPCorps VaxjoUniversity Ethiopia

Revision as of 21:05, 8 September 2010 by (talk)
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Team Members:

What exactly we will do:

By the collaboration through our partner Bright Image Association (BIGA), all teams will work with the selected 100 children aged from 6-14 who are enrolled in BIGA. We have also planned with BIGA that deploying during deploying XO’s we will begin an intensive training program that will last two weeks, four weeks for implementation and follow up and two weeks for evaluation. This braod way training will also include ICT based teaching approach and helps to create awareness in the community. And also it creates commitment and to feel the children real sense of ownership to the laptop. We will also give some maintenance training for the teachers and to the children. As preliminary information gathered from our local NGO, we noticed that most communities have already power supply and some of them have internet connections which will guarantees the connectivity of XO’s. And also most children are in the same area where we plan to install our main server and internet connection. With the help of our local partner, we have made a deal to braod cast our program to the community by using a local FM Radio station, since community awareness is one of a key element for the success of our project.

Our local partner:

BIGA is a local NGO with a vision to see an empowered society where women and children enjoy there human rights and to provide different humanitarian services. After we leave, the project will be taken by the community, the children parent’s and BIGA. The follow up can be done by using different ports like e-mail, telephone and with family ties from the community. We plan to store XO’s laptops and other equipment in BIGA office before deployment.


We will do our best together with our local partner and Engineering capacity building program (ecbp) to find further funding to sustain the project. ECBP had such experience in doing such projects and also we have seen the positive difference that created in Ethiopia.



We will communicate with different governmental and NGO’s and will show them our work to encourage them to implement similar projects in different areas by giving them technical support.