OLPCorps Stanford Tanzania

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Hello! egkdefk interesting egkdefk site! I'm really like it! Very, very egkdefk good!

Local Partner and Sustainability

Our local partners are AfricAid as the NGO supporting the project and Mr. Joseph Kitia, the village chairman and the founder of Upendo. AfricAid has worked with Mr. Kitia since 2004 through different projects and they are looking forward to continue the collaboration with each other. Both parties are very interested in introducing laptops to supplement teaching and are looking forward to oversee and expand the project after successful deployment. Mr. Kitia has appointed a local project liaison who will work with us during deployment and will be in charge of the project afterwards.

Education and Impact

At Upendo, we will institute an innovative approach to use the laptops not only for educational purposes but to provide a framework in which students can impact the community they live in. According to Mr. Kitia, health and sanitation education has the first priority for the community and that is what our main focus will be. We will provide teachers with a health curriculum which includes student projects. This will address the main health issues in the community (such as AIDS, malaria, and diarrheal diseases) by using specific features of the laptops to teach children how to prevent or respond to these issues, and allow them to create their own solutions. Using the laptop, children will be asked to measure, analyze, and report various factors influencing health. They will interview their family and community members using the video/audio applications, compose a song or write and illustrate a story teaching about health and sanitation issues. The use of laptops will enable children to learn, create, and share with other students. The laptops will also include comprehensive health reference guides and health storybooks. Ownership of these laptops will take the project one step farther. When children take the laptops home, they will be able to share what they have learned and created, truly making them agents of change in their communities as they are empowered to make a real difference in the health of their communities.

Supporting documents