OLPC New Zealand

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There are several people in NZ and the Pacific working on OLPC related projects and initiatives.

  • Computer Clubhouse Manukau City NZ
  • Moodle developers (Martin Langhoff plus others from Catalyst IT)
  • Independent project proposals.

Computer Clubhouse Manukau City NZ

Is looking at deploying a 1-1 Learning Programme in Otara Manukau City

Moodle Developers

A team of Moodle developers led by Martin Langhoff @ Catalyst has been working on several aspects of the OLPC project.

At the moment, I am working on an OpenID implementation for Moodle, and doing some work on the School Server (XS). Others, more hardware tinkerers, have been playing with the ATest1 and B2 machines and debugging OS problems. At the moment there is a custom Moodle branch for OLPC in my development tree, and that is where my work is concentrated. (Martin Langhoff)

Friends in Testing

Wellington Friends in tesing group meets every Saturday, at the Southern Cross for Brunch and XO+Sugar testing.

More info see WellyNZTesters

Other initiatives / proposals

Suz & Tamara Olliver are looking at creating an OLPC owners group to meet up in Auckland and Wellington to review progress, show off what we are doing, generally socialise and probably eat curry.

Our domain is olliver.family.gen.nz and email addresses are of the form <firstname>@<domain>. Please feel free to email us.