User:Martinlanghoff/Key Autonomy: Country PoV

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Main options / variables

  • Augment or Replace OLPC keys
  • Delivery Chain Security
  • Time-based activation + active kill

to do: Summarize the top level concerns

Simple Scenario: Delivery Chain Security


  • Generate country keys
  • Setup an offline signing machine
  • Load keys on signing machine
  • Prepare and sign custom OS image
  • Handle first shipment

With each shipment:

  • Load data from Quanta to signing machine
  • Associate SNs to schools
  • Generate activation keys (universal, per school)

On every OS update

  • Sign OS / kernel / initrd / OFW images


  • Setup a formal workflow for developer key requests
  • Generate

Advanced Scenario: Time-based Activation + Active Kill


  • Generate country keys
  • Setup an offline signing machine
  • Prepare and sign custom OS image
  • Install an Activation Server
  • Load keys on Activation Server

With each shipment:

  • Load data from Quanta to Activation Server
  • Generate activation keys (optional, may be used as a complement to XS-based activation)

On every OS update

  • Sign OS / kernel / initrd / OFW images


  • Setup a formal 'report XO as stolen' workflow, and mark the XOs as stolen on the Activation Server.
  • Review devkey request on the Activation Server.
  • Regularly update the delegations on the Activation Server.

What is?

What is: Signed OS images?

to do

What is: A signing server?

to do