Release notes/10.1.0

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Release Notes Place Holder for 10.1.0 Release Notes

Draft, Not Final, Subject to Change without Notice


This release has been developed to refresh our technologies with the Fedora 11 base operating system, and as our first software release capable of running on the new XO 1.5 laptop.

New features

Fedora 11

The release is now built on top of the Fedora 11 operating system. This software refresh results in various user-visible improvements, for example, an update to the Firefox backend results in the Browse activity being able to support HTML5 websites, and an update to the AbiWord word processing library fixes various problems where the Write activity would not function well with complex scripts (e.g. arabic).

Sugar 0.84

Sugar has been updated from v0.82 to v0.84. See the Sugar 0.84 release notes on the SugarLabs wiki for more information.

GNOME 2.26

Intended for older children and advanced users, GNOME 2.26 is a more conventional desktop environment. Users can switch between GNOME and Sugar through the "Switch desktop" applet in the Sugar control panel, and the "Switch to Sugar" icon on the GNOME desktop.

Faster startup and shutdown

In addition to the overall speed improvements as a result of the new hardware found in the XO-1.5, a significant cause of boot delay has been identified (the boot animation!), and fixed. A 15-second delay in the shutdown path has also been eliminated.

Faster Sugar activity updater

Activation over 802.11 infrastructure networks

Network-based lease updates

Key delegation

Notable current bugs

No battery monitor in GNOME

No NANDblaster

No image-builder

No video acceleration

No screen rotation

Low sound quality in Scratch activity

Outdated Help activity
