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Installed OpenWRT.


Found that I could no longer ping my IP address from crank.

Examined firewall:

iptables -t mangle -L

Good, no mangling.

iptables -t nat -L

Some NAT, but just a couple of MASQUERADE rules.

iptables -t filter -L

Lots of filtering. In more detail:

iptables -t filter -L INPUT

Some complicated chains:

  • syn_flood rate-limits TCP connection control packets.
  • input_rule is empty
  • input has subchains for zone_wan and zone_lan.
  • zone_lan accepts everything.
  • zone_wan rejects everything not accepted by input_wan.

Okay, let's add an accept rule to input_wan:

iptables -t filter -A input_wan -p icmp -j ACCEPT

Alternately, add:

config 'rule'
        option 'target' 'ACCEPT'
        option '_name' 'ping'
        option 'src' 'wan'
        option 'proto' 'icmp'

to /etc/config/firewall (or to /etc/firewall.user?)


Note that the prefix here that we want to advertise is called the 'routed /64' by tunnelbroker.

cat > /etc/config/radvd <<EOF
config interface
        option interface 'lan'
        option AdvSendAdvert 1
        option AdvManagedFlag 0
        option AdvOtherConfigFlag 0
        option AdvHomeAgentFlag 0
        option ignore 0

config prefix 
        option interface 'lan'
        option prefix '2001:470:1f07:6f7::/64'
        option AdvOnLink 1
        option AdvAutonomous 1
        option AdvRouterAddr 0
        option ignore 0
/etc/init.d/radvd start


OpenVPN is a pain to install on OpenWRT because it depends on OpenSSL, which is too big.

Fortunately, we can hack around that:

cd /tmp
opkg download libopenssl
mkdir ssl
tar Ozxf libopenssl* ./data.tar.gz | tar zxC ./ssl
mv ssl/usr/lib/* ssl; rm -rf ssl/usr

To use:

cd /tmp/ssl
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. openvpn 

Then edit /tmp/opkg-lists/snapshots to remove the dependency of openvpn.


Follow CA instructions. 
Make sure you put the right CN in your server cert.


openssl dhparam -out dh1024.pem 1024


ntpclient -h -s
openvpn --mode server --client-to-client --dev tap --user nobody --group nogroup --tls-server --ca ./ca.pem --cert server.pem --key server.pem --dh dh1024.pem --proto tcp-server &
ip link set tap0 up
brctl addif br-lan tap0


openvpn --user nobody --group nobody --dev tap --tls-remote openwrt --tls-client --ca ca.cert --cert ./client.pem --key client.pem --proto tcp-client --remote openwrt &
ip link set tap0 up