Contributors program/March 5, 2010

< Contributors program
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* XO-1.5 early production machines now available:

* New projects & libraries -- teaching them Community Outreach:

* Which projects might you enjoy Mentoring below?!

* Fast Review of the 9 latest (greatest!) HW/Project Proposals -- please
  join us advocating for, and/or reviewing shortcomings of these proposals:

  #1 Columbus School for Girls XO Laptop Service Learning Project - Ohio
  #2 OLPC / RT Community Support - Greenville, New York
  #3 XO-1.5 Sugar polishing - Prague, Czech Republic
  #4 Testing PyDebug on a production F11 XO1.5 - NYC, New York
  #5 OLPC Lo De Marcos - Nayarit, Mexico & Quebec City, Canada
  #6 The "Green Machine" - Riverside, California
  #7 Sol Alliance - Blue Springs, Missouri
  #8 Musicpainter - Somerville, Massachusetts
  #9 Intelligent Learning Framework - Munich, Germany

<FranXOphonie> Hi
<Memory> Hello
<FranXOphonie> Am I ok for the Contributors program meeting? Or my time zones or all confused
<Memory> I think we're spot on.
<FranXOphonie> Great
* sandrat  has joined #olpc-meeting
* sandrat  Quit (Client Quit)
<dogi> hi
* sandrat  has joined #olpc-meeting
<Memory> Hello.
<sandrat> a few people here today
* Red-Silver-58  has joined #olpc-meeting
<CanoeBerry> Damn, sorry for the delay!
<CanoeBerry> Hi All.
<Memory> Just glad it's friday, right?
* Red-Silver-58  Quit (Client Quit)
<Memory> Hello.
<FranXOphonie> Hella CanoeBerry
<FranXOphonie> Hello sorry
<Memory> Haha
<sandrat> no power last friday... quite a storm here in the northeast
<CanoeBerry> Memory: welcome!
<Memory> Thank you.
<culseg> same here, no elec power last week
<FranXOphonie> here in Libreville Gabon no elect power every nights due to heavy rains
<sandrat> yeh.. we got to realize how bad it is when everything is out
<culseg> CB is probably frantically putting together the agenda for today's meeting ....for those new to these meeetings!
<Memory> Good luck with that. Everythings clear in Missouri. My thoughts go out to Chile, Haiti and everwhere that 's facing storms and natural disasters.
<Memory> I can only imagine.
<sandrat> I remember the weird silence the next morning, and that I had no idea what had happened (no battery radio fool as I am )
<FranXOphonie> thanks for the info culseg
<sandrat> it makes one realize what Chile and haiti experience might be like..still far less dangerous
<sandrat> cute name franxophonie
<Memory> The hardest part is when there's nothing you can do, and your world is falling apart all around you. They must feel that.
<Memory> It makes me feel so good to help them by donating! :0
<Memory> * :)
<FranXOphonie> thanks Memory
<sandrat> the moment of silence before realizing that there was a moonscape of destruction
* Aqua-Tan-19  has joined #olpc-meeting
<Aqua-Tan-19> Ici, c'est Guy Bergeron à Lo de Marcos, Mexique.
<FranXOphonie> Bonjour Guy
<Aqua-Tan-19> Kaçandre est en ligne?
<Aqua-Tan-19> Bonjour! Quel plaisir de vous savoir en ligne!
<FranXOphonie> here I am
<Aqua-Tan-19> Je vais donc apporter des modifs à la demande de projet. Ce sont de bonnes suggestions!
<FranXOphonie> Guy, we're now waiting for CanoeBerry to set the agenda for today's meeting
<Aqua-Tan-19> Ici, il est 12h30. Sous un peu de nuages mais sous une chaleur de 29C.
<FranXOphonie> we'll start in a few minutes
* kjcole  has joined #olpc-meeting
<Aqua-Tan-19> OK
<sandrat> hey kjcole! how 'r u
<kjcole> sandrat: Happy. ;-)
<kjcole> sandrat: I've had an amazing run o' "luck of the Irish" the past couple of weeks, as all of my worlds are colliding.
<sandrat> kjcole: whts that mean?  sorry what is the code for private msg?
<sandrat> kjcole:  sounds like planetary favor
<kjcole> Gallaudet is getting connected to RIT / NTID Video Chat Activity work, Harvard's Digital Literacy Project which brought XO's to the Nicaraguan Deaf Association is talking w/ people here at Gallaudet, and I just learned that
<kjcole> a contact from last week's DC Community Broadband Summit is working with a company also being courted by the folks working on Video Chat and it's ilk.
<sandrat> kjcole: wow..did you facilitate those connections
<kjcole> sandrat: to answer your earlier question, private messages = /msg nickname this is my message.
<sandrat> msg kjcole this ?
<kjcole> sandrat: The slash is required.
<sandrat> msg kjcole  very exciting stuff
<Aqua-Tan-19> Vous êtes tous au Gabon?
<FranXOphonie> oui
<sandrat> qu'est-ce ?
<FranXOphonie> I found an Internet connection in a small hotel
<sandrat> Gabon:  give us some news as to what u all r doing
<Aqua-Tan-19> Je suis Guy Bergeron qui prépare un projet XO dans un petit village du Mexique, Lo de Marcos. Voir sur Google Earth : N 20 57.557 W 105 21.183
<sandrat> c'est bien .. pourquoi mexique?
<FranXOphonie> Actually I'm from Quebec at Laval University, I'm here Gabon to facilitate the Teacher training College of Libreville to deploy 110 XOs in a public primary school
* dirakx  has joined #olpc-meeting
<sandrat> yes I remember about the laval u project.  great stuff
<FranXOphonie> we're building a solid local team
<kjcole> 110 laptops. Nice!
<Aqua-Tan-19> Pourquoi Mexique? Parce que j'y suis pour 3 mois et je suis à la retraite. Pourquoi ne pas faire quelque chose dans le milieu.
<FranXOphonie> I'm here till April 30th to launch the project
<kjcole> And "Libreville" is a good place for Free software. ;-)
<Memory> I'm just going to go ahead and say it... OLPC was probably the greatest idea I've ever heard of. :)
<FranXOphonie> lol
<sandrat> Why is it good for free software
<FranXOphonie> that's the main reason why we've have behind us the whole Fedora, open source commuity from Quebec region
<Memory> It's great to help people who need it. It's the least we can do for eachother. I think, anyhow.
<FranXOphonie> Libre means Free
<sandrat> the educational theory has been developing since the 70s
<FranXOphonie> it's like Freetown in Liberia
<sandrat> I just read a link to Alan Kay's original sketch of the think machine or some name.. it is the xo..
<sandrat> ol 'libre' ... just like 'liberia'..?  I hope better than that 'free' nation
<sandrat> aqua tan: bon espirit pour faire du bien
<Aqua-Tan-19> OLPC est pour moi le projet du siècle... À la condition de laisser le milieu se l'approprié. C'est u peu comme le micro-crédit.
<sandrat> je suis d'accord. on peut faire beaucoup de bien avec cet petit machine vert
<sandrat> c'est un moyen d'elever la vie pour ce qui ont ete laisse a cote
<Aqua-Tan-19> Tout à fait!
<FranXOphonie> Does somebody know when the meeting start? I only have few minutes left...
<Aqua-Tan-19> Je suis de l'époque des Comterm au Québec. Je regarde ce qui se passe aujourd'hui, je me demande si c'est guère mieux.
<sandrat> qu'est-ce que c'est 'Comterm'  .. entre les semestres?
<Aqua-Tan-19> Je ne vous dérangerai pas pendant votre meeting.  Je serai sage...  ;-)
<Aqua-Tan-19> Les premiers ordinateurs qui sont entrés dans les écoles du Québec. On les nommait aussi les MAX. Ici, je parle de 1988.
<FranXOphonie> Guy au contraire, il s'agit ici d'expliquer votre projet
<FranXOphonie> Est-ce que vous vous défendez bien en anglais?
<Aqua-Tan-19> Oui? Sérieux? Je croyais, suite à tes suggestions de le faire une autre semaine avec quelqu'un qui écrit en anglais.
<FranXOphonie> Sinon, je pourrai effectuer la traduction
<FranXOphonie> c'est une avenue intéressante
<FranXOphonie> on pourrait remettre le tout
<Aqua-Tan-19> Notre projet est bien simple... C'est une première étape en technologie pour une classe de 6e année au primaire.
<FranXOphonie> je préviendrai les responsables
<FranXOphonie> sorry for all non-french speakers
<Aqua-Tan-19> Une école où les technologie ssont absentes. Internet n'y est même pas. Je verrai, si on a les 10 XO à l'obtenir.
* kaserf  has joined #olpc-meeting
<Memory> Thank goodness for Google Translate. :)
<kaserf> hi there...
<Aqua-Tan-19> Notre demande est pour 10 Xo seulement car nous voulons en faire une réussite.
* yevlempy  Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
<kaserf> dogi: am I too late?
<CanoeBerry> In-office crisis complete, meeting can finally now begin..
<Aqua-Tan-19> Dans un premier temps, voir à l'appropriation par l'enseignant de la classe et la direction de l'école.
<CanoeBerry>  1. Columbus School for Girls XO Laptop Service Learning Project - Ohio
<CanoeBerry>  2. RT Support Project Proposal - Greenville, New York
<CanoeBerry>  3. XO-1.5 Sugar polishing - Prague, Czech Republic
<CanoeBerry>  4. Testing PyDebug on a production F11 XO1.5 - NYC, New York
<CanoeBerry>  5. OLPC Lo De Marcos - Nayarit, Mexico & Quebec City, Canada
<CanoeBerry>  6. The "Green Machine" - Riverside, California
<CanoeBerry>  7. Sol Alliance - Blue Springs, Missouri
<CanoeBerry>  8. Musicpainter - Somerville, Massachusetts
<CanoeBerry>  9. Intelligent Learning Framework - Munich, Germany
<CanoeBerry> Above are the 9 projects we will now review.
<dogi> hi kaserf
<dogi> your right in time ...
<kaserf> dogi: hi...I'm afraid I cannot stay until the end...I only have time till 22:00 (means 4PM)
<CanoeBerry> Agenda In Full:
<CanoeBerry> kaserf: how long can you stay?
<Aqua-Tan-19> On utiliserait cette superbe documentation... GUIA Pedagogica OLPC_p1.pdf et la série.
<kjcole> Re: #1 - Connect 'em with LinuxChix for sure!
<kjcole> (If they're not already connected.)
<Aqua-Tan-19> OK - Je viens de voir l'ordre du jour. Je m'excuse. Vous êtes au point 1.
<kaserf> CanoeBerry: an hour from now...a little bit less
<kaserf> sorry :/ but I'm quite busy for the next 10 days (thats what I've left to complete my thesis :D)
<CanoeBerry> dogi & all: OK if we can we fly thru the agenda in order?
<kaserf> wth =) the last sentence contains strange words I did not write ;)
<CanoeBerry> Plz respond ASAP and we'll do that.
<sandrat> Columbus Girl's School shud be a 'go'  1
<Memory> Yes
<CanoeBerry> Agreed.
* tomeu  has joined #olpc-meeting
<CanoeBerry> Here we all go.
<tomeu> hi all!
<CanoeBerry> I will ask you all to vote very quickly on each project, so we can complete all 9 within 2 min each if possible.
<CanoeBerry> Ready?
<dogi> ok

[ PROJECT #1 - Columbus School for Girls XO Laptop Service Learning Project - Ohio ]

<CanoeBerry> #1 -- please all mentor/review/adocate vote for:
<CanoeBerry> Columbus School for Girls XO Laptop Service Learning Project - Ohio
<CanoeBerry> ] 
<CanoeBerry>    Requests 1 XO-1.5 over 14+ months
<CanoeBerry>    Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry>    The main objective of this project is to interest and engage high 
<CanoeBerry> school girls in computer science through this hands-on, real-world, 
<CanoeBerry> socially relevant service learning project. Our school typically only 
<CanoeBerry> fields 2-3 students in any given computer science class we offer, and 
<CanoeBerry> they are always the same 2-3 students. This project attracted over 40 
<CanoeBerry> students initially, which is almost 15% of our student body. The service 
<CanoeBerry> learning trip is the “hook” I needed to interest many students in 
<CanoeBerry> something they might not otherwise discover.
<culseg> I say fine for Columbus and would like to encourage their collaoboration with Etoys and Waveplace
<CanoeBerry> +1 partly as I've already worked with these Waveplace-connected folk
<CanoeBerry> Votes please!
<culseg> +1  call for vote
<kjcole> Nice web site.  Still looking, but sounds good to me. +1
<Memory> +1
<sandrat> +1
<CanoeBerry> Last Call: Anybody want to mentor them?
<CanoeBerry> Calling once..
<CanoeBerry> Calling twice..
<kjcole> (And as previously mentioned, connect them w/ Linux Chix.)
<CanoeBerry> Calling thrice..
<CanoeBerry> APPROVED.
* kaserf  Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))

[ PROJECT #2 - OLPC / RT Community Support - Greenville, New York ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #2 -- plz all vote/mentor/review/advocate for:
<CanoeBerry> RT Support Project Proposal - Greenville, New York
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry>    Requests 1 XO-1.5 and 1 XO-1 over undetermined months
<CanoeBerry>    Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry>    Objective is to get up to speed on both hardware and software so I 
<CanoeBerry> can answer more technical questions on RT.  I love RT and having this 
<CanoeBerry> wonderful opportunity to help OLPC.  I want to be able to contribute 
<CanoeBerry> more to the OLPC community.
* kaserf  has joined #olpc-meeting
<sandrat> rt project - if this is a coding project, not much detail here about the how, or evidence of understanding of implementation path
<culseg> fine for #2 a growing RT contributor +1
<CanoeBerry> +10 as this applicant has been our highest productivity support volunteer of the past month!
<CanoeBerry> She is insanely great.
<CanoeBerry> Initials LSB
<CanoeBerry> Not sure if she wants her name public here..
<CanoeBerry> Votes?
<CanoeBerry> LSB came to OLPC in person a month ago for our Sunday Talk.
<sandrat> what is she actually planning to do?  need some tech details, but rt improvement is high on my list of conveniences I'd like
<kjcole> A bit hard to judge based on info provided.  I have to go with your instincts on this CanoeBerry
<CanoeBerry> She's doing tech support.  Let me see if her resume is online, 1 sec,.
* ridoo  has joined #olpc-meeting
<Memory> +1 For tech support. I'd love to see the resume too.
<CanoeBerry> Don't see her resume, but let me tell you she's high-productivity -- her site is:
<culseg> RT tickets this year
<sandrat> I'd say get her a mentor who knows rt code - so she can be successful
* tony-f  has joined #olpc-meeting
<CanoeBerry> Let's vote now please, thanks -- or any final questions.
<sandrat> +1 if u can get her the support she needs
<CanoeBerry> Calling once..
<CanoeBerry> Calling twice..
<CanoeBerry> Calling thrice..
<sandrat> Next item  Polish Sugar  I give a +1
<CanoeBerry> APPROVED
<FranXOphonie> +1

[ PROJECT #3 - XO-1.5 Sugar polishing - Prague, Czech Republic ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #3 -- plz all help mentor/critique/vote/advocate for:
<CanoeBerry> XO-1.5 Sugar polishing - Prague, Czech Republic
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry>    Requests 1 XO-1.5 over 12 months
<CanoeBerry>    Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry>    Polish Sugar on the XO 1.5, with special regard to performance.
<CanoeBerry> Oops my apologies his site's already posted off of Project !
<CanoeBerry> tomeu: do you want to introduce your work quick?
<sandrat> proposer of this has great skills I think
<culseg> For sure +1 for Sugar internals etc.
<CanoeBerry> +1
<kjcole> +1.
<FranXOphonie> +1
<Memory> Sounds good. +1
<tomeu> well, basically using sugar on the xo daily and polish what I can in my limited time
<CanoeBerry> When he's not back drinking in Prague ;)
<tomeu> as a developer, I have been rather fixing what others have been asking for
<tomeu> which is very important, but very different
<CanoeBerry> !
* turn-omg  Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
* turn-omg_  has joined #olpc-meeting
* yevlempy  has joined #olpc-meeting
<kjcole> +1 if he buys you a beer? ;-)
<Memory> :)
<tomeu> beer here is cheap enough to get everybody in this channel drunk ;)
<CanoeBerry> And we all thought moving to Portugal would give Tomeu the R&R he needed to refocus (or other Floridian beachy climates?)
* ndoiron  has joined #olpc-meeting
<CanoeBerry> APPROVED
<kaserf> tomeu: I'm counting on that ;)
<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #4?

[ PROJECT #4 - Testing PyDebug on a production F11 XO1.5 - NYC, New York ]

<CanoeBerry> Plz all help critique/mentor/vote on Project #4 here:
<CanoeBerry> Testing PyDebug on a production F11 XO1.5 - NYC, New York
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry>    Requests 1 XO-1.5's over 12 months
<CanoeBerry>    Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry>    Create an activity that facilitates Activity development and debugging
<CanoeBerry>    See
<CanoeBerry> +1
<culseg> #4 cross over developer and traveler, +1 for all his efforts
* LauraSusanBell  has joined #olpc-meeting
<CanoeBerry> George was our guest speaker explaining volunteer action across OLPC Bangladesh a few weeks back..
<kjcole> +1
<CanoeBerry> LauraSusanBell: you've just been approved but are free to comment and/or respond to questions if you still have a moment.
<Memory> +1
<LauraSusanBell> thank you so much.  I hope to contribute more to the community.  thank you for this opportunity
<FranXOphonie> seems a +1
<CanoeBerry> Final remarks / votes on Testing PyDebug on 1.5?
<CanoeBerry> Calling once..
<Memory> Good luck, madam. :)
<CanoeBerry> Calling twice..
<CanoeBerry> Calling thrice..
<CanoeBerry> APPROVED
<sandrat> +1  it needs to be done

[ PROJECT #5 - OLPC Lo De Marcos - Nayarit, Mexico & Quebec City, Canada ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #5 -- plz all critique/mentor/vote on:
<CanoeBerry> OLPC Lo De Marcos - Nayarit, Mexico & Quebec City, Canada
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry>    Requests 10 XO's over 20 months
<CanoeBerry>    Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry>    • Ayudar a los alumnos de la clase a comprender la importancia de la
<CanoeBerry>    calidad de la lengua española en las comunicaciones.
<CanoeBerry>    • Desarrollar Estrategias, programas o planes o proyectos puntuales
<CanoeBerry>    formativos que impulsen y desarrollen el Proyecto Educativo Integral
<CanoeBerry>    Comunitario, que simultáneamente optimicen la calidad educativa,
<CanoeBerry>    reduzcan significativamente anomalías Socio- Educativas como la
<CanoeBerry>    deserción y la violencia intra-extraescolar y promuevan la participación.
<CanoeBerry>    • Reglamentar las actividades personales y funcionales de alumnos,
<CanoeBerry>    docentes, obrero, administrativos, padres/representantes,
<CanoeBerry>    vecinos, organizaciones comunitarias que hagan vida activa en el plantel.
<Aqua-Tan-19> Kaçandre... J'ai besoin d'aide. Ça va trop vite pour moi!
<kjcole> • Assist students in the class to understand the importance of
<kjcole>    quality of Spanish language communications.
<kjcole>    • Develop strategies, plans or programs or specific projects
<Aqua-Tan-19> Je le veux ce projet pour Lo de Marcos.
<kjcole>    training to promote and develop the Comprehensive Education Project
<kjcole>    Community, which simultaneously maximize the quality of education,
<kjcole>    significantly reduce anomalies such as Socio-Educational
<sandrat> Next project... OK it's about scoop and teaching students to create and use news items in their classes
<kjcole>    desertion and violence and promote intra-school participation.
<kjcole>    • Regulate the personal and functional activities of students,
<kjcole>    teachers, workers, administrators, parent / guardian,
<kjcole>    neighbors, community organizations to make active life on campus.
<kjcole> (According to
<Aqua-Tan-19> Je ne veux pas rater leur chance de vivre des moments important en technologie. Je travaille depuis plus d'un
<sandrat> seems like well based educational structure
<sandrat> +1
<CanoeBerry> FranXOphonie: can you introduce this work briefly?
<Aqua-Tan-19> mois avec le directeur et un professeur qui ont des craintes. Je dois les supporter et je suis en mesure de le faire.
<Memory> Very nice. :) ++1
<culseg> is the school aware of any other XOs in schools in Mexico?
<FranXOphonie> with great pleasure, Guy Bergeron helped a primary school in great needs
<FranXOphonie> yes they are
<CanoeBerry> FranXOphonie: thanks, please take the floor
<Aqua-Tan-19> Ce projet serait couvert par
<Aqua-Tan-19> Ce n'est pas facile ici. Petit village... école avec peu de moyens mais tout est à faire.
<FranXOphonie> A big educational company in Quebec will support the local team during the whole project
<Aqua-Tan-19>  Je crois que jepourrai réussir en les supportant bien.
<FranXOphonie> They will use the rich latin american documentation produced in spanish
<CanoeBerry> Is this documentation "open source" or similar?
<FranXOphonie> the project will be covered by the Canadian pedagogical press
<Aqua-Tan-19> Yes
<FranXOphonie> They planned to use the Peruvian guide XO in the Classroom
<FranXOphonie> to adapted it to the local context and curriculum
<CanoeBerry> Great, please paste a link to this documentation outline if you have such here.
<Memory> ((Sorry If I'm not actually supposed to vote, but these are great ideas.))
<Aqua-Tan-19> Divers couvertures Ex.
<CanoeBerry> Memory: you are supposed to vote if you're human, are you?
<Aqua-Tan-19> Oui! Je suis un être humain et ici, ce sont des jeunes êtres humains qui ont le goût d'exister encore plus.
<kjcole> So, sounds like there's a plan, tech support, and the pre-fab XO in the Classroom book to start from.  What's not to like?
<FranXOphonie> with the francophone community we will translate in french the original spanish guide
<culseg> My slow reading of Spanish leans me to support the project +1 ....strongly encourage outreach to other schools in Mexico
<CanoeBerry> Right, that's Sdenka Salas's great guide, which is posted in English and Spanish here:
<CanoeBerry> Memory: do introduce yourself as well, if you can.
<FranXOphonie> with the french translation the french canadian team will be able to facilitate the Mexican school team in realizing interesting pedagogical activities
<culseg> Memory: everyone can vote   ( you do not need to take the Turing test)
<CanoeBerry> Robots cannot vote, sorry no ballot stuffing!
<FranXOphonie> IMO the project needs some corrections and precision concerning tech support and installation
<Aqua-Tan-19> Tout à fait! L'équipe canadienne saura supporter.
<Memory> :] ! Thanks
<CanoeBerry> What is the timeline?
<Aqua-Tan-19> De mêm que l'équipe sur l'Infobourg.
<culseg> CB while you were late to meeting, Memory established person status
<CanoeBerry> Before OLPC ships 10, we would need un petit peu de precision (et bloggage!)
<FranXOphonie> Guy peux-tu détailler l'échéancier, le plan du projet?
<CanoeBerry> culseg: thx!
<Aqua-Tan-19> Début du projet nov 2010 pour les 18 prochains mois.
<kjcole> FranXOphonie: And, slightly off the point, lots of activity beginning to happen w/ XO's and deaf schools/organizations in Central America.  I'm always looking to introduce groups to each other. ;-)
<Aqua-Tan-19> 10 ordi en classe à des élèves.
<CanoeBerry> Can we conclude?  Resultats?
<Aqua-Tan-19> Premiers mois - appropriation - Première fois que ces jeunes toucheront à un ordi.
<CanoeBerry> Final voting/comments from all?
<kjcole> FranXOphonie: So the education company doesn't do any tech support?
<CanoeBerry> Who will mentor -- Kacandre?
<FranXOphonie> Yes they will do remote support
<Aqua-Tan-19> Kacandre... ils ont besoin de toi et je serai l'intermédiaire.
<kjcole> FranXOphonie: Ah, so your reservations relate to foot-techies on the ground so to speak.
<Aqua-Tan-19> Je saurai bien le faire... Tu me connais via Thérèse Laferrière.
<CanoeBerry> Shall we vote now on 10 XO-1's and the long-term community deliverables OLPC's community (hispanic especially) will get in return?
<Aqua-Tan-19> En retout: Visibilité à sugar via le site de l'Infobourg dans toute la francophonie.
<FranXOphonie> For sure I can mentor the project
<CanoeBerry> +1 then
<Aqua-Tan-19> Un site exclusivement en éducation existant depuis plus de 12 ans.
<Memory> +1
<kjcole> +1
<CanoeBerry> Final votes please.
<culseg> +1
<ndoiron> +1
<CanoeBerry> FranXOphonie: will there be a personal/project blog?
<CanoeBerry> Calling once..
<CanoeBerry> Calling twice..
<CanoeBerry> Calling thrice..
<CanoeBerry> APPROVED
<Aqua-Tan-19> YES! Thanks...
<Aqua-Tan-19> Merci beaucoup!

[ PROJECT #6 - The "Green Machine" - Riverside, California ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #6 -- please all critique/mentor/vote for:
<CanoeBerry> The "Green Machine" - Riverside, California
<CanoeBerry> "invisible until competition time"
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry>    Requests 7 XO-1.5's over 3 months
<CanoeBerry>    Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry>    Each Year our SIFE team comes up with new and innovative projects 
<CanoeBerry> that push
<CanoeBerry>    the level of competition in SIFE. Back in July of 2009, our team came up
<CanoeBerry>    with a vision of transforming a small school bus into an interactive
<CanoeBerry>    learning lab aimed at teaching young students about the environment 
<CanoeBerry> and the
<CanoeBerry>    world around them. Our SIFE students have spent months developing
<CanoeBerry>    curriculum, purchasing the small bus and planning the program. We are 
<CanoeBerry> now in
<CanoeBerry>    the final stages of finishing the bus design and will begin teaching 
<CanoeBerry> as of
<CanoeBerry>    March 15. We plan to impact over 1,000 3rd and 4th grade students in
<CanoeBerry>    California between March 15 and April 30. We are well established in our
<CanoeBerry>    community because of 19 year legacy of students dedicated to service. 
<CanoeBerry> This
<CanoeBerry>    allows us to make the 1,000+ student mark a reality.
<CanoeBerry> Did everyone get the 20-line proposal summary above, ending with "1,000+ student mark a reality." ?
* tony-f  Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout))
<Memory> I did not.
<Memory> Let me go back to the link you sent with the description.
<Memory> Got it.
<CanoeBerry> My apology is throttling my 20-line pastes.
<CanoeBerry> Perhaps i need to paste 10-lines-at-a-time instead.
<kjcole> Sounds exciting, but also sounds like they're in a hurry:  Says "3 months" but also gives the dates: March 15 and April 30
<Memory> No worries CanoeBerry.
<Memory> That's incredible though!
<CanoeBerry> What do folks think of The "Green Machine" ?  Sorry Caryl cannot opine on her East LA neighbors here, as she & husband are at CUE nearby there right now!  (Computer-Using Educators conf: )
<kjcole> Their faculty pages on the web site all say "coming soon"...  Who's the tech support?
* dogi likes this idea ... can they visit boston?
* sandrat  Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
<CanoeBerry> Doesn't this East LA project needs mentoring direction before we bring it to 
the launchpad, yes?
<kjcole> (Specifically I was referring to:
<CanoeBerry> Who can mentor?
<culseg> this project may well appeal to our West Coast mentor Caryl...shouldn't we see what she thinks?
<CanoeBerry> OK, no mentor, someone's gotta help me make some phone calls to this friendly group!
<CanoeBerry> Perhaps Caryl.
<CanoeBerry> Shall we place it on hold?
<kjcole> Depends on how rushed their timeline is.
<culseg> it does look like a winning project...lots of kids hands on contact
<kjcole> Sounds like the competiton is going to drive them to conclude quickly.
<Memory> Agree.
<CanoeBerry> MOTION: to encourage these 20 folks, finding them a mentor.
<CanoeBerry> Everyone vote your opinion now please!
<CanoeBerry> I vote for Caryl as their Mentor!
<kjcole> +1 with mentorship
<CanoeBerry> Agreed
<Memory> +1
<CanoeBerry> Blogging should be required too.
<CanoeBerry> Calling once..
<CanoeBerry> Calling twice..
<CanoeBerry> Calling thrice..
<culseg> +1 if Caryl accepts and they actually win their proposal
<kjcole> Looks like they don't want to blog until a specific date...
<kjcole> Oops. Never mind that.

[ PROJECT #7 - Sol Alliance - Blue Springs, Missouri ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #7.. please all critique/mentor/vote for:
<CanoeBerry> Sol Alliance - Blue Springs, Missouri
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry>    Requests 4 XO's over 36 months
<CanoeBerry>    Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry>    To bring together knowledge from around the world to incorporate into
<CanoeBerry>    helpful actions formed by youth (and community members that said
<CanoeBerry> youth can
<CanoeBerry>    inspire to help.) To do this, we will form an alliance of youth between
<CanoeBerry>    countries whom are chosen to cast frequent reports on ongoing problems,
<CanoeBerry>    possible solutions and resolved issues. This alliance will work 
<CanoeBerry> together to
<CanoeBerry>    record happenings (country laws, natural disasters, changes in the earth,
<CanoeBerry>    new projects in space, etc.), natural or otherwise disasters, and raise
<CanoeBerry>    money to contribute to stronger, healthier choices to better the 
<CanoeBerry> community,
<CanoeBerry>    country, continent, and world.
<Memory> The basic Idea of the project is to have my group reach out to those in other countries (as many as we can) and introduce voluntary services as well as ask them to document the world they see around them. We will do the same, and with what we build we will use as a learning database for all the youth involved.
<CanoeBerry> Nobel Prize!
<Memory> Thank you!
<CanoeBerry> Memory: have you played with XO Laptops and/or the Sugar Learning Platform?
<kjcole> Memory, how does the XO map to that?
<treehouse> 36 months?
<Memory> It's the longest I could come up with for the ENTIRE plan, which may not require laptops the entire time, Negotiable, and I'll have a better idea once it's started.
<CanoeBerry> Memory: how will the nitty-gritty of the "learning database" work?
<Memory> I have no expirience with the XO, but from what I read, it's an excellent platform to help analyze the world around us, document, keep in touch with a network of children who are involved in the same program.
<culseg> Memory: these are some very noble ideas, but not set out into a Project plan that clearly relates to primary age education with XOs
<kjcole> (Memory: Check out  which is doing CrisisCamp Haiti and CrisisCamp Chile these days, as it may provide ideas for you and your group.)
<CanoeBerry> What are the ages involved here?
<Memory> The learning database will be built as we go, and the more it builds, the more information we have to share with other countries/youth we get involved. The bigger picture is to teach the youth about services and the world around them, and to get to that point we have to start with a foundation of knowledge.
<CanoeBerry> What does "services" really mean here?
* yevlempy  Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
<kjcole> Four laptops seems a modest start, though I'm not as convinced it's a good fit.  What about a shorter loan with option to extend, if it turns out to be the "cat's meow"?
<Memory> 10-21, as to inspire the YOUTH.
<CanoeBerry> XO Laptops are (generally) intended for ages 5-12
<CanoeBerry> Partly due to the small keyboard
<Memory> I am accepting of that, and perhaps the more I progress the better we all will know if it's meant to be.
<Memory> Which is why the big kids do more of the community services. Haha..
<CanoeBerry> External USB keyboard are possible, and Sugar Learning Platform works on other computer if later nec.
<Memory> My two little brothers are SO intellegent. And I love volunteering.
<CanoeBerry> Great to hear, are you willing to work with others in Los Angeles doing similar work?
<Memory> Services meaning volunteering with community projects, etc,
<Memory> Sure!
<culseg> perhaps we can encourage the project through Sugar involvement and defer for now any XOs
<Memory> I have a really good idea of where this will go. I am firm in my request.
<CanoeBerry> Firm about which aspect?
<CanoeBerry> Let's conclude quick now, and proceed with mentoring en route, which this project requires.
<Memory> Requesting the aid of XO machines.
<CanoeBerry> OK
<CanoeBerry> Let's all vote now, thanks!
<CanoeBerry> I vote to cultivate mentors who will refine this project's direction around XO / Sugar.
<kaserf> dogi: I'm sorry, I have to RUN!
<CanoeBerry> Calling once..
<CanoeBerry> Calling twice..
<CanoeBerry> Calling thrice..
<FranXOphonie> Same as CB, mentoring will be required
<CanoeBerry> CONCLUDSION: we need (and will pursue) mentors to help this high-potential Missouri project fine-tune!
<Memory> Thank you. :)

[ PROJECT #8 - Musicpainter - Somerville, Massachusetts ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #8 -- plz all critique/mentor/vote for:
<Memory> Thank you. :)
<CanoeBerry> Musicpainter - Somerville, Massachusetts
<CanoeBerry> (soon!)
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry>    Requests 1 XO-1.5's over 12 months
<CanoeBerry> Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry>    Musicpainter is a networked graphical composing
<CanoeBerry>    environment. It has an easy-to-use composing interface, where users can
<CanoeBerry>    compose while painting. It is designed to make music composition more
<CanoeBerry>    social, where everyone can access and collaboratively contribute to a 
<CanoeBerry> shared
<CanoeBerry>    composing resource. The goal of the project is to provide an environment
<CanoeBerry>    where users can gather and learn how to compose from each other, and to
<CanoeBerry>    creates a place where different musical perspectives collide.
<CanoeBerry> +1
<Memory> Wish I had something like that when I was younger +1
<CanoeBerry> I met Wu-Hsi yesterday and he's an accomplished music software developer.
<kjcole> Oooo.  Like Machover's work.  HyperScore.  And out of MIT no less.
<CanoeBerry> Friendly software and friendly person!
<culseg> I took a quick look at the Music, runs phython and looks well worth supporting
<CanoeBerry> Votes please!
<culseg> + ..ta ta  ( a musical tone)
<kjcole> +1
<kjcole> Oops. Wrong cut/paste.
<CanoeBerry> But fun nonetheless. Calling once..
<treehouse> +1
<CanoeBerry> Calling twice..
<CanoeBerry> Calling thrice..
<CanoeBerry> APPROVED
<FranXOphonie> +1

[ PROJECT #9 - Intelligent Learning Framework - Munich, Germany ]

<CanoeBerry> Plz all help critique/mentor/vote on our FINAL project #9 of the day:
<kaserf> phew...finally :D and I still got some minutes left!
<dogi> kaserf, :)
<CanoeBerry> Intelligent Learning Framework - Munich, Germany
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry>    Requests 2 XO-1.5's over 12 months
<CanoeBerry>    Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry>    Develop a framework to support learning. First steps of a
<CanoeBerry>    literacy acquisition game have been taken and an Iphone application has
<CanoeBerry>    been developed during a project at university. The iphone app has been
<CanoeBerry>    evaluated with a psychologist and some of the children he treats. The
<CanoeBerry>    evaluation of the app was very promising and showed that learning games
<CanoeBerry>    which follow pedagogic principles are very effective. The goal of the
<CanoeBerry>    framework is to support the learner during his learning activity and
<CanoeBerry>    react if problems appear.
<CanoeBerry> +1 as German engineers cannot fail.
<dogi> lol
<kaserf> good to know ;)
* Retrieving #olpc-meeting modes...
<Memory> +1
<kjcole> +1 but make sure published papers are CC ;-)
<kaserf> dogi: should we tell him that we are only half german?
<dogi> I want to mentor this project
<kaserf> kjcole: I'll try, but sometimes they are restrictive at university...
<CanoeBerry> dogi: please present this project quick
* yevlempy  has joined #olpc-meeting
<CanoeBerry> Let's end the meeting in 2min exactly.
<dogi> kaserf, go
<kjcole> kaserf: Yeah, I know. I'm at a university too.
<CanoeBerry> Run with it!
<CanoeBerry> Tell us your best stuff!
<kaserf> well, the final goal is to build a framework which manages to _understand_ the behavior of the learner
<culseg> +1 especially if they make a Sugar Activity
<kaserf> for now we startet with some basic stuff, supporting the learner during the learning activity and so on
<kjcole> That's where I was focused -- the contribute back part. I'm figuring there will be publications at the very least.
* dogi thinks kaserf has to for his degrees
<kaserf> of course, and what our greates goal is: to reach children with the software we write
<kaserf> s/greates/greatest
<kaserf> we do not wont to produce stuff which dies out over the time
<CanoeBerry> dogi: thanks for mentoring -- +1 if you/they post summary/blog/links to
<CanoeBerry> Final questions before we conclude the meeting?
<kaserf> please go ahead :)
<kaserf> (with any questions you might have)
<CanoeBerry> Plz all votes so we can leave for the wkd!
<kaserf> +1 from me, obviously :D
<Memory> +1
<treehouse> +1
<FranXOphonie> +1
<CanoeBerry> Calling once..
<CanoeBerry> Calling twice..
<CanoeBerry> Calling thrice..
<CanoeBerry> APPROVED, with quasimonthly "blogging" required off of
<kaserf> awesome :) I promise you will hear from me more about the project anytime but not now :) sorry, I'm already late!
<CanoeBerry> Or Dogi will give them a lesson German Discipline ;)
<kaserf> ahah :)
* kjcole  Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
* ndoiron  Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC)
<dogi> me?
<CanoeBerry> MEETING ADJOURNED thanks all!
<dogi> and in italian humor
<kaserf> thanks at all!
<kaserf> dogi: I want to see that ;)
<kaserf> bye... :)
<dogi> ciao kaserf
* kaserf  Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
<Memory> Thanks. I look forward to that.
<Memory> Good weekend.
* Memory  Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
<FranXOphonie> Good wkd to everybody