OLPC world map

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As of January 2009, all the following external links to www.laptop.org are "page not found".
OLPC world map (English) Português | Español | العربية | Italiano | ไทย | 中文 | Nederlands | Français | Polski | Deutsch | Suomeksi | Русский | 日本語 | ລາວ | Tiếng Việt | Svenska | हिन्दीै | नेपाली | Türkçe | Dansk | Igbo | Hausancī | Yorùbá | Ελληνικά | Norsk | Bahasa Indonesia | Català | Українська

Or you can look at a (general non-OLPC) political map w/ country labels.

2010 maps

Countries with 500+ kids and teachers w/ XOs
Countries w/ 100+ kids and teachers w/ XOs

2007 maps

The information in these maps is obsolete since 2007.

There's a map based on Deployments info at http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=107887635573341686661.00045a8f74844ef1681f8&z=2

Enumeration by status

See Deployments for status on OLPC country deployments. See OLPC status by country in 2007 for historical country status