OLPC Belgium

Revision as of 18:33, 10 November 2007 by Vulcan (talk | contribs) (letting you know i am here)
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2007 status: gray


My name is aertssven at mac.com, I'm an offical youth trainer at the European Union (google: salto youth database) and have priveledge welcoming you to the OLPC-Belgium page. I'm very amazed no IT teacher nor governmental nor non-governmental belgian organisation nor the linux community/open source community and all university students in Belgium are not taking over here. Please all join the team ! Add content, add pages, ... team up with the rest of the world.

Hi, i am jeff at jartisan dot com and am interested in promoting the OLPC in Beligum

To do list:

* write articles in Belgian press
* visit the ministry of development and education to inform them 
* get them to order 1 million OLPC computers


* Youth and the OLPC initiative: