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About Me

My name is Gillian Javetski and I am an intern at OLPC's Cambridge office this summer. I am a senior at Tufts University, where I am double majoring in international relations and community health. I took this past semester off to work at the United Nations Development Programme's HIV/AIDS unit in Geneva. At OLPC, I will be conducting research on UN and international partnerships.

Preliminary Research on UNICEF/other Partnerships in Afghanistan

About Afghanistan

  • UNICEF Country statistics, including Education
  • Education in Afghanistan from Wikipedia
  • OLPC in Afghanistan
  • Notes from Matt's OLPC blog post about visiting Afghanistan:
    • Half (52%) of primary school aged children are enrolled in school. This is a huge increase from 800,000 in 2001 to 7 million today. Still, 50% of Afghan girls and 40% of boys don't attend school.
    • Schools must operate in “shifts,” the average being three shifts per day meaning that each child generally received only 2.5 hours of school a day.
    • Teacher student ratios are often as high as 1:50-75
    • Afghan children receive only about half of OECD recommended average school times.
    • Close to 75% of teachers in Afghanistan are illiterate or have an education level of one year greater than the students they teach. **Building more schools, training teachers, providing materials would require 6 fold increase to education (over 1 billion a year) and would take 10-15 years.

UNICEF in Afghanistan

o MOE will serve as primary catalyst for OLPC in Afghanistan (particularly essential here). • Only MOE can reach children → with 217,000 employees, MOE represents 67% of civil servants in Afghanistan. • Budget of $400 million a year; 92% goes to staff and teachers o Need to find third party partners: Wardak, Roshan, UNICEF, national businesses? o US-Afghanistan’s largest donor- contributes only $90 million annually for education in Afghanistan via USAID