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?Sugar icon}}    This activity is now hosted at the Sugar Activity Library.

The information here is likely to be out-of-date. Consult the new pages for "Colors!" first:

OlpcProject.png Wade Brainerd, Jens Andersson, User:Loser

Colors is a simple natural media painting activity for the XO laptop, based on a Nintendo DS program by Jens Andersson.

Rather than constructing images from geometric shapes, the user is encouraged to keep painting on their work until it looks right, starting with rough strokes and then adding extra details.

The activity features soft brushes, collaborative painting, the ability to watch tutorial paintings as they are painted, and a variety of input methods including "video paint" using the webcam.

Here is a link to the homebrew DS version:

You can see some art that has been created with the DS version of Colors! here:

Y don u shut up noob

hi mark zukkerburrgh


Leave this page and never come back!


Colors is a standard cheesecake that developed in the oven one day.