User:NeoAmsterdam/Notes in Progress

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To Do

  • yum inst. linux-wacom .o0(please, please, please work?)
  • Install olpc.icc, then figure out what's the color correction system
  • Notes to document:
    1. there's a menu-related panel thingie package that'll prevent menubars for appearing at all
    2. Desktop settings seem to reset after a logout/restart/shutdown. Understandable (consistency), but an annoyance. A sudo nano should fix that
  • VNC and/or SSH
    • yum install x11vnc (libvncserver, lzo-minilzo, xorg-x11-server-Xvrfb)
    • /etc/avahi/services to b'cast/advertise
    • still needs vncpasswding

Alt. OSs

  • FreeDOS:\isolinux\data\memdisk identified as "Linux kernel x86 boot executable bzImage" but OFW claims "Invalid Opcode" - known not to work, but worth trying anyway. Doesn't work ;-(
  • Extremely tempted to install RHEL6 (Sci Linux, actually): LiveCD-to-USB, then install to SD card?? OpenFirmware crashes with "General Exception Fault" and "General Protection Failure" (depending on the phase of the moon). Looks like these distros are expecting BIOS/EFI despite purporting XO support (or perhaps they're having conniptions with XO anti-theft?)


  • yum install "gedit*plugin*" installs texlive as dep (∑75MB).
    • Could use TeXLive 2010 install (from ISO).


512MB is a must for any GNOME-work.


  • liberation-{sans,serif,mono}, sil-gentium-fonts
  • FixedSys Excelcior or PR fonts are ok, but there just isn't a "must-have" monospaced font that's legible, appealing, and has character (pun not intended).
    sudo cp whatever to /usr/share/fonts
    108 DPI for GNOME is just about right 133.333333 dpi, actually - Thanks to AuntiMame for providing the width and height of the XO's screen (among other troves), and to whoever it was who made ◊1 produce screenshots. Hence:
  • 1200px ÷ 9 inches = 133.333333 px per inch
  • 900px ÷ 63/4 inches = 133.333333 px per inch
    (just making sure)
  • 133.333333 px per inch ≈ 5.249343 dots per mm (for our metric friends)

Goog Chrome

Ugh, but it's leaner than FiFox. It also suffers from DPI-ditziness (why, oh, why?)

  • requires LSB≥3.2
    1. yum install redhat-lsb
      gives that @#$%ing "out of space" error (not with a 16GB SD you aren't!!!!)
    2. console: -> /sbin/init 3 ... yum install redhat-lsb
      ditto >_<
    3. #ed "/var" mounts; restart
    4. Gnome: yum install redhat-lsb
      Works! Dependencies: m4 make patch pax
  • Grab Goog's rpm (where's the SRPM you "let's not be evil" b*****ds?!)
  • rpm -ivh g...rpm OK
    As sluggish as FiFox, as alien as M$Office 12

Warning: Geo.Loc., D/L Loc., privacy settings, lame "oops" messages when there's a Flashy page (y'shouldda asked, Goo... y'shouldda asked first.)

Gnome Screenshot

  • yum install gnome-utils (deps. libgtop2)
    I wonder if I can change the keystroke for snapshotting to "frame" (and alt-tab to the key next to it?)Yep.


  • Very tricky installation (read: plethora of annoying "oops" boxes from wine) from command line, but works. Apps' bootsplashes will obscure a dialog box asking for first-time user ID info, so it looked like the apps were hanging. DPI issue resolved (use Wine Config to set DPI)


Note: Fuhgeddaboudit - Resource hog.

  • yum shows 82MB in deps, but that doesn't count deps installed from gedit's latex plugin. yum doesn't install KDVI, which Kile will complain about during a systems check.
  • Still suffers from DPI ditziness, but it's not as bad as it was with 10.1.2.

Android SDK

In the end... no: The SDK is wonky using the "open" Java, and running the "official" Java is like wading through tar.



If you run it from command line as user olpc, it'll trigger the "out of space" error - even if you su to root afterwards. Seems to be a failsafe, acts like a nasty bug.