
Revision as of 12:32, 12 September 2011 by (talk) (Installing: Download the .xo file and follow the [http://laptop.org/8.2.0/manual/Sugar_InstallingActivities.html Sugar installation guide]. (xo-get is gone))
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Prize winner activity suite–Home
OlpcProject.png Bruno Coudoin

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This is a suite of children's activities that has won a prize for educational software.

It is built around the Canvas widget from GTK and additional activities can be added using Python.

Here is more info: http://gcompris.net

Developers should look here: http://gcompris.net/-Development-

And here to get specifics issues related to the Sugar port of GCompris: http://gcompris.net/wiki/index.php/Todo_for_OLPC


  • 2009/06/01: Uploaded all the individual bundles. They now contains all the locales. There is also a localized click on letter activity that includes the voices of a given locale.
  • 2009/05/16: Uploaded a new all in one bundle (release 11) that fixes the locale issue as explained in this bug. (Fixed while at SugarCamp in Paris).
  • 2008/11/07: Uploaded a new all in one bundle that fixes the locale issue as explained in this bug (Was broken).
  • 2008/09/28: Refreshed all the bundles to version 10. This fixes 2 major bugs:
 - Activities name no more include underscores (Sugar was refusing to start them)
 - GCompris XML menu files no more include > and < caracters as it fails with libxml2 2.7.1
  • 2008/09/24: Refreshed all the bundles to version 9 and including the licence information in the activity.info files (GPLv3+).
  • 2008/09/14: Uploaded a fixed bundle
 - chess, scalesboard, sudoku: Uses the icons provided in bug #7138
 - redraw*.activity.xo: Added missing icon
 - gcompris.activity.xo: Added a bunch of missing icons, fixing activities enumerate and money for fixed images.
 - Warning: The full GCompris bundle does not comes with gnuchess and gnucap (for electricity). 
            You can install these programs with yum. 
  • 2008/03/20: Uploaded a fixed bundle for algebra_plus, algebra_minus activity that had missing images (tuxballoon.png). I overwrited the previous broken activity bundles.
  • 2008/03/17: Uploaded a fixed bundle for algebra_by activity that had missing images (tuxballoon.png). I overwrited the previous broken activity bundles.
  • 2008/03/15: Made a full rebuild of all activities and the full bundle. It fixes the bugs #6672, #6692, #6484, #6363, #6657. Now each activity uses it's own non sugar compliant icon. There is no more need to install gnuchess and gnucap your xo and GCompris will work even when you disable the sound in it.
  • 2008/01/25: Uploaded a new tangram bundle that fixes the missing tool-flip.png image. Uploaded reversecount, read_colors, advanced_colors bundles, they had missing timer images.
  • 2008/01/06: There is now a new build of all the activity bundles. There has been a major fix, now more activities should work. Some people have requested a full GCompris bundle instead of getting each activities independently. In order to keep it relatively small (it's 82MB), we kept only a minimal voice set for each locale. Note that this includes all the translation we have available.

How do I report a bug?

We are very interested in bug reports. Please report bugs by sending email to "bruno.coudoin@free.fr". (Developers, please file bugs in the OLPC tracking system.)

We are also interested in your suggestions for enhancements in GCompris. Community input and collaboration is vital to the success of OLPC, it's the same for GCompris. Thank you for your participation.

What if installation fails?

In the transition to the latest XO software release, some people have had trouble downloading and installing the GCompris packages.

If installation through the Browse activity fails, try the following steps: From the Terminal activity:

- cd /home/olpc/Activities 
- wget http://dev.laptop.org/~bdoin/xo/sudoku.activity.xo
- unzip sudoku.activity.xo
- Restart Sugar by typing Ctrl+Alt+Erase (Substitute your favorite GCompris activity for sudoku in the above example.)
- If /home/olpc/Activities does not exist, you can create it: mkdir /home/olpc/Activities

¿Qué pasa si la instalación no?

En la transición a la última versión del software XO, algunas personas han tenido problemas para descargar e instalar el paquete GCompris.

Si la instalación a través de la actividad Navegar falla, intente los siguientes pasos: Desde la Terminal de actividad:

- cd /home/OLPC/Activities
- wget http://dev.laptop.org/~bdoin/xo/sudoku.activity.xo
- unzip sudoku.activity.xo
- Reiniciar Azúcar escribiendo Ctrl + Alt + Borrar (Suplente GCompris su actividad favorita para el sudoku en el ejemplo anterior.)
- Si /home/OLPC/Activities no existe, puede crearla: mkdir /home/OLPC/Activities


Download the .xo file and follow the Sugar installation guide.

The GCompris bundles

XO Bundles (Full GCompris)

XO Bundles (Individual activities)
.xo Bundleanim.xo
.xo Bundleawele.xo
.xo Bundlebargame.xo
.xo Bundlebillard.xo
.xo Bundlechronos.xo
.xo Bundlecrane.xo
.xo Bundledraw.xo
.xo Bundleerase.xo
.xo Bundlefifteen.xo
.xo Bundlehanoi.xo
.xo Bundlehexagon.xo
.xo Bundleimageid.xo
.xo Bundlelogin.xo
.xo Bundlemaze.xo
.xo Bundlemaze3D.xo
.xo Bundlememory.xo
.xo Bundlemoney.xo
.xo Bundlemosaic.xo
.xo Bundleredraw.xo
.xo Bundlesearace.xo
.xo Bundlesudoku.xo
.xo Bundletangram.xo
.xo Bundletarget.xo
.xo Bundletraffic.xo

XO Bundles (Localized bundle, pick the one for your locale)


.PO interface translation files can be found here

Note: More localizations are needed;
      please help add to the list of supported languages :)

Activity Summary

Icon: Sugar icon::Image:Activity-gcompris.svg
Genre: Activity genre::General Search and Discovery
Activity group: ,|x|Activity group::x}}
Short description: Short description::A suite of children's activities that has won a prize for educational software.
Maintainers: ,|x|Contact person::x}}
Repository URL: Source code::http://svn.gnome.org/viewcvs/gcompris/
Available languages: ,|x|Available languages::x}}
Available languages (codes): ,|x|Language code::x}}
Pootle URL:
Related projects: Related projects,|x|Related projects::x}}
Contributors: ,|x|Team member::x}}
URL from which to download the latest .xo bundle Activity bundle::
Last tested version number:
The releases with which this version of the activity has been tested. ,|x|Software release::x}}
Development status:
Ready for testing (development has progressed to the point where testers should try it out): ,|x|Ready for testing::x}}
smoke tested :
test plan available :
test plan executed :
developer response to testing :

URL from which to download the last .xo bundle that works with old releases Activity bundle::http://dev.laptop.org/~bdoin/xo/gcompris.activity.xo
Activity version number: Activity version::
The releases with which this version of the activity has been tested. ,|x|Software release::x}}
Development status:

URL from which to download the last .xo bundle that works with old releases Activity bundle::http://dev.laptop.org/~bdoin/xo/algebra_by.activity.xo
Activity version number: Activity version::
The releases with which this version of the activity has been tested. ,|x|Software release::x}}
Development status:

URL from which to download the last .xo bundle that works with old releases Activity bundle::http://dev.laptop.org/~bdoin/xo/algebra_plus.activity.xo
Activity version number: Activity version::
The releases with which this version of the activity has been tested. ,|x|Software release::x}}
Development status: