Literacy Project/2012-05-02

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Angela C, David N, David L, Rachel, Richard, Sam

  • Timestamp problems: 4 sets of stamps; (s, ms) and (1970, 2012). Still unclear what's causing the reset; Richard leaves on the 10th.
Process of gathering data

RS - I would walk each directory. while copying that, it takes forever; 3-4G. I rsynced the whole thing, so the archive is duplicated of what's on raw.

No processing yet on week 6; just copied zip files into the raw directory.
Data variance

DL - When I ran a filter over timestamps... the results seemed odd for week 6. Only 5% had bad timestamps.

And week 4 had an order of magnitude fewer total records than the previous week

Rachel - b/t week 5 and 6, we had a great increase (65%) of photos taken.

Blank camera files

DL - still the same % of black files (3/4); it still does this when the screen is covered or it's dark out.

RS - fewer pictures would cut the total data size in half, would make other crunching faster.

DN - I could cut the rate in half.

Summary of TinkrBook data analysis

Some summaries shared by Angela.

Top 10 apps used, weeks 2-4
Total app usage, first 3 weeks