Template:Software Side Effects Fixes

Revision as of 00:11, 17 June 2014 by Quozl (talk | contribs) (remove documentation for very old builds of operating system, add .gconf sugar user storage for 13.2.0)
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Delete the ".olpc-configured" files which tell olpc-configure it does not have to run again. This allows some of the files deleted below to be checked for and replaced.

sudo rm -f /.olpc-configured
rm -f /home/olpc/.olpc-configured

Destroy any saved volume settings, forcing defaults:

sudo rm -f /etc/alsa/asound.state

Destroy the saved hostname:

sudo rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network

Destroy the SSH host key, forcing regeneration on next boot:

sudo rm -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key{,.pub}

Destroy the Sugar settings, forcing a first boot name prompt, and fixing collaboration:

rm -rf /home/olpc/.sugar /home/olpc/.gconf/desktop/sugar

If a developer key was ever requested using the Browse activity, or you are not sure, clear the developer key request file:

rm -rf /home/.devkey.html

If the laptop was ever registered with a school server, or you are not sure, clear the registration by destroying the GConf settings:

rm -rf /home/olpc/.gconf*

Immediately shutdown without restarting sugar, to avoid the .sugar directory being recreated:

sudo poweroff