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Note: this is a second initiative to join OLPC emerging from Poland. First one took place in years 2006-2008. Wiki link (page in polish) [here]

last edit: 15.03.2013


For DEVELOPERS Polish Deployment (brief in english)

Deployment project wiki page Cyfrowe_Głotowo <Nowe Informacje>

March 2013

Scheduled deployment of 30+ XO's in one rural school in the northern Poland

September 2012

One school works on SoaS for grades 1-3 project. Contact Karol at: kadkarol@poczta.onet.pl for more details.

August 2012:

FRKS is running a project with a main purpose of one school deployment, including software development, translations, teacher training. We are not aware of other activities.

The deployment of 30+ XO 1.0 based on Dextrose 3 with 4gb SD cards is planned by the end of the year.

Until June 2012 Fundacja Chocimska was running a project on SoaS distribution.

In January 2012 there are over 8 Translators, Magda coordinating lesson plans and SoaS distribution project and Kuba joins FRKS team to prepare Sugar in School pilot.

1. The Team - y. 2011

At start we are 5:

  • Jakub Ratajczak - programmer, businessman, runs a primary school in WAW. Main focus: Sugar
  • Pawel Makowiecki - social entrepreneuer, funder of the Responsible Business Institute IOB, one of the most innovative "think-and-do-tank" in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Social Innovation in Poland. Focus: open source, know-how transfer
  • Krzysztof Kielak, programmer (python, gtk, html)
  • Mateusz Kieniewicz, engineer from the Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements PIAP, main focus: robotics
  • Dominik Granada, NGO president FRKS, educator, manager. Main focus: XO+Sugar application/usability in rural schools, collaborative activities, know-how transfer

2. The plan

There are two main areas we want to concentrate on:

(1) Localize Sugar with basic Activities - everyone is invited TRANSLATIONS, run a pilot project to see what could be the possible advantage of using XO's and/or Sugar only in polish education perspective;


(2) Build a Community and run a Lending Library in Warsaw. (3) Lending Library Warsaw / Wypożyczalnia Laptopów - informacje po polsku: OLPC.PL

(4) Prepare lesson plans following polish primary school curriculum

(5) Test XO laptops, Sugar, 1:1 princinple in school

Thanks to the Sugar Community we have few XO's 1.5 (5) at our disposal for community building and another 40 of XO 1.0 thanks to UK friends of OLPC and OLPC Switzerland for the pilot project purpose.

OLPC Polska webapge is down (www.olpc.pl)

I) Objectives

   * support the OLPC mission and community via lending out laptops to PL (and other nearby countries) volunteers / contributors; and 
   * encourage, enable, and support Contributor Program applicants from the PL; and
   * when needs arise develop Repair Center

II) Before you ask for a Laptop

   * Read Wiki and get familiar with News: OLPC NEWS, PLANET SUGAR, PLANET OLPC
   * See the Sugar Labs Getting Involved page. 
   * Some activity development FAQs 
   * Ideas - Get excited about something to implement; Some existing project ideas 
   * Browse mailing lists ( http://lists.laptop.org ) and join relevant


   * Just ask. If there's one free we'll lend it to you (within reason). Email frks@frks.pl and say "I would like to borrow a laptop for X months to do Y thing"

4. Contact

Unfortunately www.olpc.pl is down. You can find more information at www.frks.pl and www.cyfrowa-szkola.org.pl