What the UN/UNESCO say about OLPC

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The viewpoints expressed hereunder do not necessarily reflect the opinion of OLPC.
This page was created by a member of the free volunteer community supporting OLPC.

Kofi Annan

  1. "This is not just a matter of giving a laptop to each child, as if bestowing on them some magical charm. The magic lies within -- within each child, within each scientist, scholar, or just plain citizen in the making. This initiative is meant to bring it forth into the light of day."

KofiAnnanNicholasNegrponte2.jpg KofiAnnanNicholasNegrponte1.jpg Annan-sachs-bonsaaso.jpeg

More: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/File:Annan_presents_prototype_$100_laptop_at_World_Summit_on_Infor...pdf


OLPC Ban Ki Moon Secretary General of the UN 1.jpg

Suggested links

  1. Types / Categories of Questions
  2. What do others say about OLPC?
    1. What the UN/UNESCO say about OLPC
    2. What research departments studying the sense and non-sense of ICT in education say about OLPC
    3. Sensible criticism and unsensible, unfounded criticism, lies, trolls