XS Community Edition/6.0

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For early background, see proposed features and emerging details going way back to our Los Angeles meetup Feb 21-23, 2014. Closer to game time, please see many other refinements since.

  • Supported Hardware: x86 (NUC, XO-1.5) & ARM (RPi 2?)
    • Stretch Goals: XO-4 and any other servers required by Fiji/Rwanda/etc.
    • Be Warned that certain hardware support will be delayed into early 2016.
  • Supported OS's: Fedora 22. Also CentOS "7.1" (1503) long-term "enterprise" support on NUC especially.

XSCE 6.0 Spec/Progress Chart:


XSCE 6.0 Testing Matrix:


See also XSCE 5.1 leading up to XSCE 5.5, and our very successful XSCE 6.1 Sprint Oct 10-13, 2015 in Toronto, as well as an early roadmap for XSCE 6.1 !