IIAB/local vars.yml

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This IIAB XSCE content does not reflect the opinion of OLPC. These pages were created by members of a volunteer community supporting OLPC and deployments.

Below is an EXAMPLE /opt/iiab/iiab/vars/local_vars.yml derived from Tim Moody's of February 24, 2017: (for IIAB 6.4 on Raspberry Pi 3 especially!)

COMPARE the more lightweight: local_vars_lite.yml, local_vars_min.yml

To understand how and why you may want to modify local_vars.yml (to override default_vars.yml) please read IIAB Architecture.

Please also ask directly on our support channels, like http://iiab.io forums, the server-devel mailing list, and live irc chat.

Or return to our Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) Frequently Asked Questions, within question "What is local_vars.yml and how do I customize it?"

# Put variables for your installation that override defaults here

# PLEASE READ http://wiki.laptop.org/go/IIAB/local_vars.yml
# SEE EXAMPLE http://download.iiab.io/6.4/rpi/local_vars_lite.yml
# SEE EXAMPLE http://download.iiab.io/6.4/rpi/local_vars_min.yml

# Original Idea: branch github.com/xsce/xsce-local for your deployment

# iiab_admin_user: iiab-admin

# Obtain a password hash with: python -c 'import crypt; print crypt.crypt("<plaintext>", "$6$<salt>")'
# iiab_admin_passw_hash:

iiab_hostname: box
iiab_domain: lan

iiab_home_url: /home
host_ssid: "Internet in a Box"
host_wifi_mode: g
host_channel: 6
hostapd_secure: False
hostapd_password: changeme

dns_jail_enabled: False

# Enables "campus access" to kiwix (3000), kalite (8008) & calibre (8010 or
# 8080) on WAN side of server. See network/templates/gateway/iiab-gen-iptables
# within github.com/iiab/iiab/blob/master/roles/
services_externally_visible: True

# Make this True if client machines should have access to WAN/Internet:
iiab_gateway_enabled: False

# Make this True if you want http://box/common/services/power_off.php to work:
allow_apache_sudo: False

# 3-BASE

squid_install: True
squid_enabled: False

dansguardian_install: True
dansguardian_enabled: False

# wondershaper_install: False
# wondershaper_enabled: False


authserver_install: False
authserver_enabled: False

# SECURITY WARNING: See http://wiki.laptop.org/go/IIAB/Security
openvpn_install: True
openvpn_enabled: False
# The following seems necessary on CentOS:
# openvpn_cron_enabled: True
# If changing the above, remember to run "cd /opt/iiab/iiab; ./runtags openvpn"

# samba_install: False
# samba_enabled: False

# WARNING: Josh Dennis [April 2017] warned that CUPS printing can block Ansible
cups_install: True
cups_enabled: False


# The 4 below are no longer actively supported.
# Please contact http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/server-devel/ if you can help!

# Change calibre_port from 8080 to 8010 below, if you enable idmgr

# activity_server_install: False
# activity_server_enabled: False

# idmgr_install: False
# idmgr_enabled: False

# ejabberd_install: False
# ejabberd_enabled: False

# xo_services_install: False
# xo_services_enabled: False


elgg_install: True
elgg_enabled: False

nextcloud_install: True
nextcloud_enabled: True

wordpress_install: True
wordpress_enabled: True

# phpmyadmin_install: False
# phpmyadmin_enabled: False

# dokuwiki_install: False
# dokuwiki_enabled: False


# OpenStreetMap: renamed from {iiab_install, iiab_enabled} in June 2017
osm_install: True
osm_enabled: True

kiwix_serve_install: True
kiwix_serve_enabled: True

kalite_install: True
kalite_enabled: True
kalite_cron_enabled: True

# Might stall MongoDB on Power Failure: github.com/xsce/xsce/issues/879
sugarizer_install: True
sugarizer_enabled: True

calibre_install: True
calibre_enabled: True
# Change calibre_port to 8010 if you're using XO laptops needing above idmgr
calibre_port: 8080

# Change to True if you have disk space & don't mind Ansible's ~15 min delay
moodle_install: False
moodle_enabled: False

# pathagar_install: False
# pathagar_enabled: False


munin_install: True
munin_enabled: True

vnstat_install: True
vnstat_enabled: True

awstats_install: True
awstats_enabled: True

monit_install: False
monit_enabled: False

ajenti_install: False
ajenti_enabled: False

schooltool_install: False
schooltool_enabled: False

debian_schooltool_install: False
debian_schooltool_enabled: False

# sugar_stats_install: False
# sugar_stats_enabled: False

# xovis_install: False
# xovis_enabled: False