Emulating the XO

Revision as of 01:45, 24 May 2007 by MitchellNCharity (talk | contribs) (first draft of linux quick start)
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This page is an inprogress overhaul of OS images for emulation.

Quick Start

Mac Quick Start

Linux Quick Start

1. Obtain qemu.

On Fedora, as root:

yum install qemu

On Debian/Ubuntu, as root:

apt-get install qemu

2. Obtain an image.

Download olpc-redhat-stream-development-ext3.img.bz2 (md5). Then,

bzcat olpc-redhat-stream-development-ext3.img.bz2 > laptop.img

3. Run qemu on the image.

qemu -soundhw es1370 -serial `tty` -hda laptop.img

4. See Quick Start: Running for the first time.

5 (optional) Make qemu run faster.

If you have an x86 or x86_64 cpu, you can use kqemu to speed up the emulation several 100%.

5a. Obtain kqemu.

On fedora, x86,

XXX please fill this in if you know

On fedora, x86_64, there are no official kqemu, or kqemu kernel module, rpms. atrpms.net has some. Or install from source.

On Debian/Ubuntu, as root:

XXX please fill this in if you know

5b. Run modprobe.

modprobe kqemu major=0

This will need to be run again if the host computer is rebooted. If you forget, qemu will be slow again (and a one-line error message scroll by when you run qemu).

5c. Run a qemu variant with the -kernel-kqemu option.

On x86,

qemu -kernel-kqemu ...

On x86_64,

qemu-system-x86_64 -kernel-kqemu ...

If you forget and use just qemu instead, things will be slow again.

FreeBSD Quick Start

Install qemu from ports:

cd /usr/ports/emulators/qemu && make install clean

or as a package

pkg_add -r qemu

Then load kqemu and aio kernel modules:

kldload kqemu
kldload aio

and launch the image you want:

qemu -hda olpc-stream-development-7-20060609_1600-ext3.img
Should this take the same arguments as the linux qemu invocation? Are those arguments even needed for linux? MitchellNCharity 21:18, 23 May 2007 (EDT)

Quick Start: Getting an image

Quick Start: Running for the first time

Quick Start: Does my qemu have kqemu?

Does the version of the QEMU support KQEMU? Type ctrl+alt+2 and type info kqemu. Use ctrl+alt+1 to return to OLPC screen.

Developing software using emulation