Minimal Linux distros

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There are a number of Linux distros which attempt to strip Linux down to a minimal set of elements that can run on computers with reduced capabilities. Some of them are targetted to old computers. Some are targetted to so-called embedded systems which are built into machinery, vehicles, home appliances, PDAs and mobile phones.

  • DeliLinux "Desktop Light" Linux. It is a Linux Distribution for old computers, from 486 to Pentium MMX 166 or so on
  • PuppyLinux targetted to older computers and education
  • BasicLinux targetted to very old computers including 486es
  • ucLinux targetted to embedded systems with low memory and no hard drive (like OLPC)
  • Zaurus this is a Linux-based PDA that uses busybox. It is similar to the OLPC except that it has a PDA-size 640x480 screen.

Please add other minimal Linux distros to this list. In the end, it is unlikely for OLPC to adopt any one of them but it is quite likely that OLPC will borrow good ideas from some of them, such as the busybox from ucLinux.