Activating educators

Revision as of 17:11, 5 June 2007 by Lauren (talk | contribs)
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Two goals

1. Building a community platform for supporting and activating teachers who are actually using XOs. See educators below.

2. Building a community platform for activating volunteers of various abilities and backgrounds (e.g., educators, teachers, as well as others who are interested in visiting and contributing). See developers below.


Educators: teachers currently in the field and those about to receive XOs (along w/ OLPC staff and supporting orgs)

  • Emphasis: support, self-documentation, journaling/blogging, collaboration and exchange.
  • To be migrated to educator wiki: XO Teachers
  • Tutorials for teachers, incl.
    • MediaWiki training (take from Globaloria site)
    • How to use activities
    • How to make activities
  • Teacher Activity, might incl.
  • Syndicated country/pilot blogs
  • Personal user page, incl.
    • Instructions for getting started
    • Photo
    • Location/affiliation
    • Answers to questions


Developers: teachers who want to volunteer/create lesson plans/activities.

  • Need to develop Educators
  • Develop companion repository/"Educational Content Management" site. Features incl:
    • Activity/lesson template
    • Rating system
    • Discussion/feedback system
    • Search/sort/tag by subject, lesson type,
    • Example activities for Activities incl. in base install
  • Educational activity guidelines]. Principles incl.
    • Constructionism
    • Collaboration
    • Iteration
    • "View Source"
    • Example activities from MMM?
  • Lesson Plan Jam

In terms of activities...

1. Digital Activities 1a. Digital Activities w/ corresponding physical activity

2. Activities that expand/enhance existing exercise