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Laptop News 2007-VI-09

Heiligendamm, Alemania - J8 | Needham, MAGame Jam | Nueva gente | Línea de productos | Antena activa | Adaptador de corriente | Build C | Peso | Suspender / retomar | Fedora | Actividades | Servidor escolar | Ambiente de pruebas | Kernel Linux | Sistema X-Window | Firmware | Etoys | Juegos

Heiligendamm, Alemania - J8

1. Heiligendamm, Germany: UNICEF’s Christopher Fabian and Merrick Schaefer organized a youth summit (called the “J8”), around the G8 Summit. The summit consists of 10 youth from each G8 country and 10 from the developing world, taking place before and during the G8; preparing position papers on the issues facing the world's youth, which they will present to the G8. They are using 90 XOs to capture images and video for interviews (of one another and other attendees) and to collaborate on their reports. They are also testing a distributed/off-line wiki for the XO designed by Mako Hill. For much of the week they have had no Internet connectivity, but they are collaborating over the mesh. Bert Freudenberg, a member of the Etoys team, helped to mentor the delegates.

Needham, MA - Game Jam

2. Needham, MA: Mel Chua, Kent Quirk, and SJ Klein are hosting the first OLPC Game Jam this weekend a Olin College; the event is designed to encourage experimentation and innovation in the game industry and kick off development of open-source games for the XO. 40 game developers were off to a good start last night (with others participating remotely). Roberto Faga, a summer of code student working on game libraries, is planning another for Brazil, likely in October.

Nueva gente

3. Scott Ananian will be starting at OLPC on Monday as a software engineer. Scott will be jumping right in after receiving his Ph.D. from EECS at MIT yesterday. He will bring to us an 10 years of experience hacking and debugging kernel patches and drivers. Besides the technical skills, Scott is deeply committed to the OLPC project.

Línea de productos

4. Product line up: We are shipping five products this fall: (1) the XO laptop; (2) a school server; (3) a multi-battery charger; an active antenna; and (5) a solar-powered WiFi repeater. Much of the emphasis has been on the laptop, but a push from Quanta this week has resulted in firmer plans for the other products.

Antena activa

5. Active antennas: Thanks to John Watlington and the team from Cozybit, we have out first working “active antenna” prototypes. Attaching them to an XO lets you optimize the placement of the antenna: use with a mesh portal will double the network throughput. They can be used on the school servers or attached a 5V power supply to build a stand-alone WiFI repeater.

Adaptador de corriente

6. AC Adaptor: Our thoroughness had led UL to lower the acceptable temperature for AC adaptors by 10C, down to 75C. This week Arnold Kao of Quanta reports testing on an improved AC adaptor—within our current form-factor—that now achieves delta-t of 15C at 50C ambient (65C maximum temperature), down from the 30C delta-t. In addition, if we limit input from the AC adaptor when the thermometer in the battery indicates it is over 45C ambient and the battery is in charge state, our AC adaptors will operate within acceptable range.

Build C

7. C build: Rubber feet, removable antennae, a better LCD shock mount, small adjustments to the keyboard, and an improvement of six-degree tilt on the hinge are all underway as the C-build design freeze occurred on Friday. Both “bunny ears” will be replaceable by removing just 8 screws—previously it took 20 screws and the display had to be removed.


8. Weigh in: Mary Lou Jepsen conducted a weigh in for the B3 units this week. B3 with NiMH is 1.5Kg, and B3 with LiFeP is 1.4Kg. These are up slightly from B2 which weighed in at 1.4Kg and 1.3 Kg respectively; although we reduced the battery size slightly, we added a steel plate to the base for stability and better touch-pad operation.

Suspender / retomar

9. Suspend/resume: Marcelo Tosatti found and fixed couple of bugs: suspend/resume is now working on USB and wireless. The XO can now suspend and resume while leaving the wireless functional, and the wireless can now wake up the processor. Thanks to Javier Cardona who also helped with the wireless firmware.


10. Fedora: This week OLPC became an official Fedora project. We will be doing our development directly on the Fedora project's hardware and in their repositories. In the past we always had to do our builds on Red Hat's infrastructure. This means that anyone can contribute to the project directly, including Red Hat people, community members, and the OLPC team.


11. Activities: Work continues on the Journal and its underlying datastore. There were stabilization and performance changes this week, including fixing some problems with the clipboard that had prevented cut and paste across activities. Infrastructure work in support of the presence has also been a focus: it has been broken out into its own module and will support the local mesh network instead of just server mode.

Servidor escolar

12. School server: Holger Levsen continued work on the school server installation. The mirror is now updated from the user mirror, via a cronjob at 6am BST daily. It carries Fedora Core 6 and Core 7 and updates Power PC, i386, and source. The live-installer CD is build daily at 8am BST by a cronjob running as builder user (See http://xs-dev.laptop.org/xs-live-installer/ and git://dev.laptop.org/projects/fai-config/fedora/mirror and .../live-installer).

Ambiente de pruebas

13. Test environment: Chris Ball rewrote the tinderbox web site (http://dev.laptop.org/tinderbox/) and added activity support to the Sugar tinderbox. Every day, Sugar is built on two machines (one running Fedora, one running Ubuntu) using sugar-jhbuild; each activity is tested to see whether it starts up successfully. If an activity fails, an e-mail is sent to the Sugar mailing list.

Kernel Linux

14. Linux kernel: This week was about stabilizing the kernel for B4. Richard Smith has been rewriting the EC protocol that the kernel uses for poking the EC and hardware; Chris updated the kernel code for that. Debugging the firmware/EC/hardware is ongoing.

There was a massive libertas merge into stable as well; it appears to be working without too many problems. Dan Williams did some nice work: between the last stable (kernel) release and the upcoming stable release, some 3000 lines of code were deleted from the libertas driver. The device-tree code has been committed to stable, providing a way for programs to easily access the hardware configuration and data (e.g. serial number, UUID, etc.).

Sistema X-Window

15. X Window System: Adam Jackson has made progress toward what is being called “DCON mode,” not to be confused with “ebook mode.” This is using the DCON to take over the display from the Geode so that the video drivers, video subsystem, the fetches from RAM for the video, and the GPU can all be off when the screen is not changing, all to save power, even while the CPU is still powered.

Our Xorg 1.3 porting effort is progressing; it is semi-usable now on Bernardo Innocenti 's desktop. Input rotation has also been seen to work, but only for a brief lucky moment. We still have bugs to fix, but Adam Jackson is already starting to package things for us so that we'll be able to move to 1.3 consistently with the F7 upgrade.

Bernardo is also worked on “beautifying” our startup sequence, but this work didn't make it for B4 unfortunately. There are also concerns that upstream will never accept a patch for making the Linux console black-on-white. Jim Gettys wandered through the X keyboard configuration maze to figure out how to map our keyboard, game buttons and game pad properly.


16. Firmware: Mitch Bradley released the B4 firmware, and is beginning to look at firmware for school server. Lilian Walters had a week of one step forward and two steps back. She was all set to test the new nfs/rpc/udp stack using IPv6. Then she found out that her old linux setup just did not cut it. Fortunately, Fedora 7 was released last week claiming to support nfs IPv6. So, she installed F7 on a PC, which also has Windows Vista. She's getting geared up to test again.


17. Etoys: Yoshiki Ohshima continues to work on the Pango support; it is almost ready for the internal testing. Scott Wallace wrote a fix the UI of extending expressions. Takashi Yamamiya's copy-and-paste is coming along: a text in Etoys can now be dragged out to other activities.


18. Gaming: In preparation for the Game Jam we have made a few updates to the game-key mappings (the left and right controllers now map to different things) and PyGameCanvas (to make it work better in a game environment).

Más Noticias

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Preguntas o pedidos de la prensa: enviar email a press@racepointgroup.com

Laptop News is archived at Laptop News. Also on community-news.

You can subscribe to the OLPC community-news mailing list by visiting the laptop.org mailman site.

Press requests: please send email to press@racepointgroup.com


Nov. 2007 Inicio de la producción en masa.
Abr. 2007 One Laptop Per Child anuncia su versión beta final de su revolucionaria XO Laptop.
Abr. 2007 Primeras máquinas pre-B3 armadas.
Mar. 2007 Primera red de malla en funcionamiento.
Feb. 2007 Las máquinas B2-test están disponibles y comienza su distribución a los desarrolladores y países de lanzamiento.
Ene. 2007 Ruanda anuncia su participación en el proyecto.

Todos los hitos se pueden ver acá.


Para más artículos ver acá.

12 Abr. 2007 EYF Times Conozca al Científico: Nicholas Negroponte
Meet the Scientist: Nicholas Negroponte
11 Abr. 2007 CNET News Fotos: Alumnos Nigerianos encienden sus laptops
Photos: Nigerian students power up their laptops
  The News Alumnos rurales pobres tailandeses recibirán laptops de USD 100
Poor rural Thai students to get 100-dollar laptops
29 Mar. 2007 ComputerWorld La OLPC estudia una batería experimental para la laptop de USD 100
OLPC eyes experimental battery for $100 laptop
16 Mar. 2007 The Santiago Times Laptop Baráta Es Primicia Mundial en Chile
Cheap Laptop Makes Commercial World Premiere in Chile
13 Mar. 2007 Bostonist Agregue Azúcar (Sugar) a la OLPC
Pour Some Sugar on OLPC
12 Mar. 2007 BusinessWeek Conozca a Sugar... La cara de la laptop de USD 100 y un salto cuántico en diseño
Meet Sugar...The face of the $100 laptop and a quantum leap in design
7 Mar. 2007 The China Post Fabricantes de partes suben gracias a las Laptops de USD 100
Parts makers surge on US $100 Laptops
  ZDNet Una laptop para cambiar al mundo
A laptop to change the world
  Herald Tribune Sobre los Mercados: los indicadores de partes Taiwanesas suben gracias a la laptop de USD 100
Around the Markets: Taiwanese parts markers surge on $100 laptop giveaway
6 Mar. 2007 Gamasutra SJ Klein Pide Contenido Serio Para La OLPC
SJ Klein Asks For Serious OLPC Content
1 Mar. 2007 BusinessWeek.com La Cara de la Laptop de USD 100
The Face of the $100 Laptop
  2007 Linternaute: High-tech Una computadora de USD 100
Un ordinateur à 100 dollars
28 Feb. 2007 eLearn Magazine Puede la "Laptop de USD 100" Cambiar al Mundo?
Can the "$100 Laptop" Change the World?
27 Feb. 2007 CNET Dos visiones para distribuir PCs en el mundo subdesarrollado
Two visions for delivering PCs to emerging nations
13 Feb. 2007 Newsweek International Entrevista: La Laptop del Pueblo
Interview: The People's Laptop
12 Feb. 2007 Silicon.com Miles de laptops a USD 100 dentro de un mes
Thousands of $100 laptops to within a month
8 Feb. 2007 MIT: Technology Review Technology Review: Lanzamiento del Modelo de Seguridad para la Laptop de USD 100
Technology Review: Security Model Released for the $100 Laptop
Feb. 2007 Domus Un computer vi salverà: Una computadora lo salvará
Un computer vi salverà: A computer will save you
  IEEE Spectrum Mary Lou Jepsen: Laptops para Todos
Mary Lou Jepsen: Laptops for All
29 Ene. 2007 Christian Science Monitor Una vista de cerca a lo que la 'laptop de USD 100' será
A closer look at what '$100 laptop' will be
3 Ene. 2007 EDTECH.com La laptop de USD 150
The $150 Notebook
  networkworld.com La OLPC busca producir en masa para el tercer cuatrimestre
OLPC Aims for Mass Production in Third Quarter
  IDG.net One Laptop per Child endulza al hardware con interfaz 'Sugar'
One Laptop per Child Sweetens Hardware with 'Sugar' UI
&amp;;nbsp; YAHOO! Finance La OLPC anuncia una interfaz primera-en-su-tipo para la laptop XO
OLPC Announces First-of-Its Kind User Interface for XO Laptop Computer

Para artículos anteriores ver acá.


Existen videos varios sobre la XO y la OLPC.

OLPC.TV Una colección / blog específica de videos sobre la OLPC
A collection of several videos
video.google.com Ivan Krstić da una charla ténica sobre la OLPC en la serie Google TechTalk
Ivan Krstić delivers a technical presentation of OLPC at the Google TechTalk series
cbsnews.com 60 Minutos, Que Pasaría si todos los Chicos Tuviesen una Laptop
60 Minutes, What if Every Child had a Laptop
cnn.com CNN, Debe Intel temerle a la Laptop de USD 100?
CNN, Should Intel Fear $100 Laptop?
redhatmagazine.com Revista Red Hat: Dentro de Una Laptop por Chico, Episodio Dos
Red Hat Magazine: Inside One Laptop per Child, Episode Two
redhatmagazine.com Red Hat Magazine: Dentro de One Laptop per Child, Episodio Uno<font size="-1">&lt;br>Red Hat Magazine: Inside One Laptop per Child, Episode One
sf.tv Video de la OLPC dese Suiza, 26 Enero, 2007
OLPC Video from Switzerland, 26.01.2007
acm.org Entrevista con Nicholas Negroponte sobre la Laptop de USD 100
Interview with Nicholas Negroponte on the &100 Laptop
techpresentations.com Presentación por Jim Gettys en FOSDEM 2007
Presentation by Jim Gettys at FOSDEM 2007
globo.com Chicos prueban computadora portátil
Crianças testam computador portátil
Students test the laptop, GLOBO- BRASIL
stanford.edu Presentación de Mark Foster en la Universidad de Stanford
Mark Foster delivers presentation to Stanford University
technologyreview.com Mini-documental de Technology Review
Technology Review Mini-Documentary
radiofarda.com Una breve demostración
A Brief Demo