Spray Play

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Spray Play is a Crossfire-like game in which players shoot objects in the middle of the playing area with small pellets to push it into their opponent's side.



XfromXO.png + OfromXO.png = File:Image:XO guy

Spray Play will use the XO character design (X below an O) as the game's shooter. The X is a rotate-able gameplay element, and the O is a shootable entity. The X will be the user icon from Sugar, and the O will be a colored circle within a circle (using Sugar's user icon colors).

<lincolnquirk> bjordan, you should be able to use the sugar API directly, and there's probably a method for getting the colors
<kentquirk> bjordan: it's in /home/olpc/.sugar/default/config

Currently, the X is a PNG with fixed colors, and the O is just a colored circle.

Playing Field



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