XO Korea/XO city

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환영합니다 | Portal | XO Korea | Deployment | Content | Hardware | Software | Mesh Network | Ethics | LOS | XO City | Accreditation | Consortium

Mit car.jpg Stackable Concept Car of MIT Medialab

The content below is just a game idea, rather than a real project, and no relation with the OLPC Foundation. I also hope the content below to be used as an educational idea about the overview of city design, construction, and management for children; just like SimCity. Freely add your opinion on this page and discussion page also.


From the aspects of economics, environment, and well-being of mankind, being developed are quite a lot of revolutionary products such as stackable cars, XO mesh networks, and intelligent buildings etc. Also are revolutionary services and social infrastructures such as e-Government, e-Learning, e-Accreditation, and quite a few others.

But, how to deploy or adopt those revolutionary things into our lives? Can those stackable cars run onto our current highway systems? with giant trucks running side by side? Nonsense...

We need a new bottle to put those things in. That's the XO-like city we plan to construct.

City Design

XO City assumes to have 100,000+ population, producing most of goods and services it needs.


The motto of XO city is XO like city from all aspects. As the energy efficiency of savings of XO is 10 times better than most of current laptops, XO City also should be the same; it should have 10 times better energy circulation mechanism. How? from the three aspects below;

  • eliminating unnecessary energy consumption. Then, which are those unnecessary?
    1. if there is a more energy-efficient alternative to do the same work (process or service)
    2. if there is a more energy-efficient physical rearrangement of buildings and roads to achieve the same value production
    3. if there is a more energy-efficient social value production system

The three options above are incremental rather than exclusive.

For example, if, for the purpose of citizens' going to and coming back from offices or fields everyday, XO City adopt MIT's stackable concept cars using electricity instead of ordinary gas-driven autos, the total energy consumption of transportation system using cars of our XO City will be at least 3 times lower or three times energy efficient.

Then, there also is the second alternative left.

Why citizens should use cars to go to & come from offices everyday? Why students should go to school everyday? By restructuring or designing the arrangement of buildings, housings, offices, factories, and schools etc., we can secure additional energy savings...saying now we have reached 7~8 times better energy efficiency.

Now, the most important solution left; the restructuring of social system; exactly speaking, Social System for Value Production.

By substituting the total Intangible social infrastructure (such as governments, banks, schools, health cares, insurances, broadcasting, journals, publications, and even business processes) with web-based services in the form of XO Activities

The main focus of XO Korea is that; transforming current social infra into XO Activities.

Road & City Railway

The Road/Street Plan of XO City can't be separated from that of logistics and City Railway.

Firstly, City Railway will be the backbone of the transpiration system; for passengers, products, and others.

Secondly, Stackable Cars link Railway Station and buildings/sites. Road System is for this purpose.

Thirdly, Logistics System does another key role; transporting all non-human materials. Of course, human being also is a special material under transportation.

So, there are three principles related to the Road System.

  1. Central road (maybe wide enough) with City Railway running on it. This City Railway becomes both human and product transportation backbone.
  2. Branch road (maybe rather narrow ones) on which Stackable Cars and people are running or walking between Railway Station and buildings.
  3. Underground logistics system to transport things between Railway Station and buildings.

Of course, all transporting devices/vehicles shall be equipped with XO Traffic Controller, which enables driver-less driving.

In summary, if comparing Road System with the XO architecture, then;

  1. Stackable Car & City Railway Vehicle = XO Laptop
  2. Road = Mesh Network
  3. County Traffic Control = School Server
  4. Local Traffic Control = Local Server
  5. Central Traffic Control = Country Server

Stackable Car

City Railway Vehicle

County Traffic Control

Local County Traffic Control

Central Traffic Control


The Key of logistics system in XO City is that all are XO based. Logistics processes should contribute to the energy efficiency and efficient value production processes of XO City constituents. How?

  • All buildings (and all rooms in a building) in the city are linked by Logistics Tunnel, small railway system in capsules.
  • XO Container transports big or small products; there will be various types of containers from the aspect of size, functionality, and other features such as waterproof etc.
  • The movement of all containers in XO City will be controlled by the Building Logistics Control, Local Logistics Control and Central Logistics Control
  • All XO Containers are XO Variations; that means those containers also are XOs.

In summary, if comparing Logistics System with the XO architecture, then;

  1. XO Containers = XO
  2. Logistics Tunnel = Mesh Network
  3. Building Logistics Control = School Server
  4. Local Logistics Control = Local Server
  5. Central Logistics Control = Country Server


It's road of products or cargoes, like all lines in mesh networks linking each node.

XO Container

As there are various kinds of cargoes or products to be conveyed in XO Containers, there also should be various kinds of containers; sizes, water proof, theft proof, and heat proof etc.

All XO Containers are XOs themselves; they also are computers just without keyboards, displays and other components, but composing mesh networks (maybe via using marvell chips).

Due to the features of mesh networks, all of those container shall send information about their location, speed, destination, departing point, weight of cargoes etc. to Building/County Logistics Control, Local Logistics Control, and Central Logistics Control.

Building/County Logistics Control: Tier 3 Control

It controls XO Containers in its coverage area by communicating with those Containers, and calculate the optimum route to destination of each container.

Local Logistics Control: Tier 2 Control

It controls XO Containers in its coverage area by communicating with those Containers and Building/County Logistics Control, and calculate the optimum route to destination of each Set of Containers.

The main function of Local Logistics Control is to group containers into several sets, allocate each to each Building/County Logistics Control

Central Logistics Control: Tier 2 Control

It controls XO Containers in country level by communicating with those Containers, Building/County Logistics Control, and Local Logistics Control and calculate the optimum route to destination of each Set of Containers.

The main function of Central Logistics Control is to group containers into several sets, allocate each to each Local Logistics Control

XO Building: housing

For the optimum usage of housing space, many parts of current housing components are publicly used. Again, current housing system of the USA is NOT sustainable;

  1. if all Chinese and Indian build new houses similar to those in the current USA, the entire resource of the earth will disappear in only 100 years.
  2. if the houses in the USA keep their emery consumption in building and managing them, the entire resource of the earth will disappear in only 1,000 years.

So, it's quite clear that we need some alternative housing system. Here is a suggestion. We assume an apartment housing system;

  1. 20~30 story building,
  2. 200~300 families in XO Building,
  3. 4 members in a family,
  4. 800~1,200 residents in XO Building

XO Building is similar to current hotel system, but but its key idea can equally be applied to other types of residential community or structure.

Living Space

Each family is given a living space; one or two bedrooms and living room. A few baths and kitchens are commonly used by residents in the same story. The basic equipment of each house is;

  • Display Panel: such as 20" LCD panel attached onto wall .
  • Beds
  • Closets

Food Center: Public Kitchen

A space in XO Building (maybe one of underground stories) is allocated to cookery function, which provides all meals to its 800~1,200 residents residents. Only one space for each XO building will be sufficient, and meals will be sent to each room via XO Logistics. See our design.


Maybe the first floor of XO Building can be used for office works. As all rooms in the building are internet connected offices as well, the first floor can be used meeting or conference hall. See our design.

XO Factory

XO Factory is standard manufacturing space of XO City. There will be hundreds of standard factory types. We are now setting a standard manufacturing place for each industrial field.

XO Plant

XO Plant is standard agricultural area of XO City. There will be tens of standard factory types. We are now setting a standard planting form for each agricultural field.

XO Market

XO Market is standard market of XO City.

Water Supply

For Drink

For other than drink

Treating Wastes

Food Waste

Toilet Waste

Waste Water









Undergraduate & Graduate


Governmental Service

Administrative Service

Legislative Service

Justice Service





Agriculture & Fishery


Service, Research & Development