User:WWWorkshop Shannon

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Shannon Sullivan: Program Director and Executive Producer, World Wide Workshop Foundation

  • Role on World Wide Workshop Team: As Program Director I am responsible for implementing the foundation's educational vision through specific projects like the MaMaMedia Activity Center for OLPC. As Executive Producer I define the activity features and lead the production team. I also help set the editorial tone and I do lots of writing and editing of MMM_lesson_plan_translations Lesson Plans.
  • Favorite food(s): Sushi, brownies, homemade guacamole (but never together!)
  • Favorite music: Hard to pick one genre or band -- I like rock, alt rock, hip hop, R&B, classical, jazz
  • Favorite technology 'gadget' and why: Hello, XO! This should be obvious.
  • When I started using computers: In High School I programmed a memory game in Basic on a Radio Shack, In College I wrote papers on an Apple, in Grad School I made interactive stories with Hypercard, in my first 'real job' I learned to create software for Windows and Mac, now it's all about web-based learning and customized activities for the XO laptop
  • What I use computers for: Work, communication, shopping, research, general amusement
  • What I like to do on the internet: I like to e-mail, IM, share photos, shop, read the news, download music... and design websites and tools that children and teens can use to learn and express themselves.