Test group release notes/2009 and earlier

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Build 511

ChangeLog 508
ChangeLog 510
ChangeLog 511

  • Laptops suspend right after boot. When you first boot this build you can get all the way to the sugar home view, but then within a minute, the system switches graphics mode and goes into suspend. It goes in and out of suspend, but if you start up some activities you may be able to work/test for a while.

==> NOTE: to turn off power manager, open a console window and type: /etc/init.d/ohmd stop

  • I was not able to get the XO MPP to work as it had in 502. I connected one XO to an infrastructure AP and was able to browse; and then booted a second XO and it could never connect to the first one's mesh.
  • Laptops shutdown if adapter is added or removed.
  • With two laptops that have no connectivity to a school mesh or AP, they were able to see each other in the neighborhood mesh. When trying to share an abiword doc, the activity showed up on both XOs, but the text did not, Bug #2183. If you click on the 'Write Activity' from the neighborhood mesh, you get a new document.

- kim

Build 505

ChangeLog 504
ChangeLog 505

  • This build is missing some pieces for proper IP connectivity. Do not use it for AP or mesh testing. Build 502 was better. This build is good for looking at activities.

- Kim

- John

  • Can't open things from the clipboard. I have tried (new) paint and write activities.
  • New paint does not have startup notification (throbbing the icon in the donut)

- Cameron

Build 502

Change Log

  • I was able to open two XOs on the train and they came up and saw each other in their neighborhood mesh views! There were no servers or access points anywhere in the vicinity. I was not able to share any activity, but they did see each other.
  • I was able to connect one XO to my home WEP AP; after it was up and running with a good connection to the internet, I booted the second XO, and it connected to the local mesh. It made sure it did NOT connect to the AP, but only to the local mesh and it was able to get to the internet through the first XO!
  • Next we have to make the collaboration work...

- Kim

  • Journal entries are visible again.
  • XOs can never detect any access points.
  • 1950 is still at large - been an issue for a while now.

- John

  • Still no feed back on Record mode bug 2101
  • Font corruption appears to be fixed bug 1837
  • can't see my AP so I can't test the Browse bugs
  • new login UI (nickname/color)
  • esc key does not close any apps still
  • paint still does not stop bug 2105
  • Frame button does nothing
  • Looks like Record still breaks after viewing a video bug 2106
  • additionally trying to take photo hangs the activity


- Zack

Build 499

Change Log

  • Journal is not displaying any entries.
  • XOs are constantly losing the ability to access the internet and then gaining it again.
  • Web is not displaying webpages properly. Sections that are supposed to be white don't fill the window completely.
  • The mesh connection indicator in home view now sometimes works, and the icons in neighborhood view sometimes blink properly when working, but they still don't a lot of the time. In fact, now, instead of saying that I'm not connected when I am (as was the case in #1950, the bigger problem is it saying that I am connected when I'm not. It may be the case that the mesh network status is changing so frequently that the XO is constantly playing catchup and never actually displaying the current state.
  • In Browse, the icon for the "Stop" button in the Browse tab is broken.

- John

  • At olpc I connected to a mesh network that really had no internet connectivity - so I can't ping or browse. Dan suggested this might be the case of an XO that was connected to the internet and then lost its connectivity; but is still advertising a mesh. All of us here will connect to that -- and we can see a few other XOs, but we won't get to the internet if that mesh is not connected. I will write up a few bugs on this.
  • Clicking on the infrastructure AP worked, updated my laptop IP address, and I was able to get to the internet that way.

- Kim

  • Still no labels on the login screen
  • The following eye is kinda creepy in Record
  • I can't tell which mode I am in, Video or Photo bug 2101, fixed in v14 of Record
  • Font in toolbar tabs change color randomly, I have seen mixed black and white, and green bug 2102 marked as a dup of bug 1837
  • Progress bar in Browse obscures the location url bug 2103
  • web pages with flash content have serious rendering issues bug 2104
  • paint activity will not close bug 2105

- Cameron

- Zack

Build 496

Change Log

  • Has new kernel, including almost all of our current work, including suspend/resume, up to date libertas driver, 2.6.22 kernel, etc. Still lacking:
    • frame buffer driver patch for dcon control, ergo dpms/screen saver broken
  • X server is FC7 based, but:
  • B2 cannot get on the mesh.
  • The icon for closing activities is broken.
  • New Journal icon to address #1962.
  • Battery indicator now displays properly.
  • Even worse performance problems on B2 than usual. B2 takes ~5 minutes to boot, and sometimes lags severely or hangs indefinitely as soon as the Sugar UI loads - completely unusable.
  • Connect sometimes desyncs player turns.

- John + Jim

- Zack

  • "My Name" and "My Color" don't appear on B4s.

- C-Scott

Build 495

Change Log

Build 494, RC2

Base OS:

  • sugar 0.65-0.9.20070706gitcebf25739b.olpc2
    • Nicer tooltips. Improved sizing logic. (marco)
    • Do not popdown the frame when palettes are active. (marco)
    • Add macedonian translation. (ArangelAngov)
    • Add brazilian translation. (DiegoZacarao)
    • Some fixes for changing the selected clipboard object. (tomeu)
    • Fix palettes around the mesh edges. (edsiper)
    • #1930: Only take preview before closing. (tomeu)
    • Use HAL to get battery informations.
    • Improvements in the mesh view layout.
    • Hide the active palette when another popup.
    • Icons in the buddy menu items
  • hal 0.5.10-0.1.20070706git.olpc2
    • update to HEAD to get battery information
  • totem 2.18.2-5.olpc2
    • rebuild against xulrunner


  • Connect 5
    • Fix buddy handles for Salut (Link Local) channels (smcv)
    • UI improvement to show whose turn it is, below grid (morgs)
  • TamTam 30
    • Clicking the close button in Edit and Synthlab goes back to Sugar. (Flipo)
    • Fix to the Journal load and save. (Flipo, lync)
    • Ogg player on the welcome page. (lync)
    • Demo tune instruments and tempo are randomly generated (Olipet)
    • lab placeholder files were reduced in size by 95% (Olipet)
  • Write 5
    • Add Brazilian translation. (DiegoZacarao)
  • Journal 24
    • Add some debug messages for measuring the time taken on refreshing the list view. Please include this info in any tickets about journal performance. (tomeu)
    • Add brazilian translation. (DiegoZacarao)

Change Log

- John

(I will be filing bugs for all of these) - Zack

Build 488

Change log:

Base OS:

  • NetworkManager 1:0.6.5-0.8.svn2627.olpc2
    • fix assert when selecting mesh network
  • dbus-python 0.82.0-2.olpc2
    • fix cpu hogging issues
  • telepathy-salute
    • enable the extra OLPC bits for tubes
  • avahi-autoipd 0.6.20-3.fc7
    • have a Require(pre) on shadow-utils so /usr/bin/adduser doesn't fail during install
    • this should fix connection to the mesh when there are no school servers or mesh portals
  • /etc/asound.conf
    • fix the capture source to be the mic
  • pull in gnome-python2-gnomevfs
  • make ext3 build slightly smaller than 1G so it fits on 1G flash drives


  • TamTam
  • Journal integration
  • New sounds
  • Beats per page in edit
  • Keyboard recording in edit
  • Network not yet working

- John

  • From home with a B2, and no connection to a mesh; I had to add a wep key a few times to get it to connect to AP. Then I tried to open etoys and it will never open.
  • J5 said he was able to open eToys with this code on a B3 with no problem. Not sure what his network connection was.
  • Mesh connectivity issue: From work, my B2 successfully connected to the mesh and I browsed the internet, but the mesh icon continues to blink the full inside circle (which used to mean it hasn't finished connecting); and in the home view, the mesh is still grey.
  • eToys doesn't start for me at work either. It continues to fade in and out as if it is trying to start, but never gets past that. The Journal never records that eToys was running.

- Kim

Build 486

Change log:

  • Base OS:
    • ext3 qemu builds
      • now boot again
      • have a scalled grub option for running on smaller screens

- John

- Zack

Build 485

Change log:

  • Base OS:
    • NetworkManager - 1:0.6.5-0.8.svn2626.olpc2
    • Make anycast addresses configurable though /etc/NetworkManager/anycast.conf
    • Fix manual reactivation of the mesh device to start at step 1
    • Make sure dhclient is stopped before switching mesh channels
  • sugar-datastore - 0.2.2-0.5.20070703gita248b5cb79.olpc2
    • Support for binary properties
    • Indexer fixes
    • External devices fixes
  • sugar - 0.65-0.4.20070703gitcc2b8884c0.olpc2
    • Use the new palette widget everywhere in the UI
    • Do not always show the shutdown palette on startup
    • Implement primary and secondary state for palettes
    • Fix several frame/zoom level bugs
  • Activities:
    • Call - taken out of builds for now
    • Chat -New version added fixes
    • Etoys - back in build

- John

Build 482

NOTE: This build will allow laptops to only communicate with other laptops with 482 or higher. Also, the school server needs to have upgraded to the latest marvell firmware and anycast needs to be turned on.

Change Log: <http://olpc.download.redhat.com/olpc/streams/development/build482/devel_jffs2/ChangeLog>

This build doesn't include avahi-autoip, so it will not get on the mesh. There should be another build today (7/3) or tomorrow (7/4) that can get on the mesh. It can connect to an infrastructure access point. (Unless it is WPA AP, which are increasingly common... -Zack)

- Zack

- kim

Build 478, RC1 notes

Change log since 472:
Base OS:

  • Add avahi-autoipd
  • Fix up keysymbols for keyboard
  • NetworkManager
    • Autoip work
  • Sugar
    • Better palette positioning
    • Reject invalid nick names in the intro screen
    • Make startup notification work from the journal and clipboard
    • Do not create a new object when resuming from the journal


  • Web
    • Arabic translation
  • Journal
    • Button to copy objects to the clipboard.
    • Spanish and Arabic translations.
    • Palette positioning fix.

  • I was able to connect to my home AP with WEP key. One XO worked the first time and one of them took about 3 tries of entering the WEP key (and I'm pretty confident I used the right key).
  • On another XO, when it wouldn't connect to my AP, I logged in as root, typed 'ifconfig' and saw that there was no eth0 interface. I typed 'ifup eth0' twice (the first time it failed). And then it connected to my AP. (I'll write this up as a bug)
  • After the first XO connected to the infrastructure AP, I tried to connect the second XO via the Mesh. That was never able to connect, but I did see that an 'olpc-mesh' ad-hock network shows up on iStumbler.
  • I was able to open a number of activities (pretty much one at a time) and do some basic testing. Everything responded very slowly and gets incredibly slow after only a few minutes of trying to test. When it got to the point of no response in about 60 seconds (for something that usually takes only a few seconds), then I would reboot.
  • I'm not sure how to close some activities.
  • At this point I think we can start adding bugs to trac.

- Kim

  • The B2 essentially can't run build 478 for whatever reason. Takes extremely long to do the most basic things, and hangs a lot. It also runs noticeably slower than other builds on the B3 in terms of load times and lag (especially noticeable when tabbing between programs). One of the most noticeable things is the cursor frequently lagging and then "catching up."
  • Switching between the console and Sugar causes a lot more lag than in other builds. On the B2, it was enough lag to hang the system permanently.
  • On one bootup, the mouseclick and keyboard stopped working, though the mouse still scrolled. Anything that should have triggered a dropdown menu or tooltip did not. Rebooting solved the problem.
  • If you switch from Neighborhood view to Home view while moused over a wireless access point or mesh portal icon, the icon's tooltip will persist through the switch and stay on the screen, even after you open activities. They will go away if clicked.
  • Graphics and icons frequently get "stuck" in the upper right hand corner. Often, if there is a tab or some other icon in the upper right corner, the tab will persist, either in its original form, or as a grey box of the same size, when you switch views.
  • There are a number of graphical glitches that occur only on B2s. For many icons and images, half will appear properly, but the other half is corrupted.
  • Journal no longer opens automatically. The icon appears on the donut, but the window doesn't open until the donut icon is clicked. I think this is intentional? It's a good change, as it was a pain to have to wait for the Journal to load before doing anything else.
  • When tabbing back into Journal, large portions of the window are obscured/grey.
  • That Chat icon in Journal does not match the Chat icon on the taskbar.
  • Switching between photos and videos in Camera is very unintuitive right now. Looks like part of the GUI is broken. The only way to switch between them is to use the two arrow buttons under the Camera tab and keep pressing the eye until it turns red, even though the first arrow button never becomes deselected. The word "Activity" in the Activity tab changes colors as you do this for some reason. Eventually, if you've tabbed around for long enough, the GUI will correct itself and behave normally.
  • Lots of activities can only be quit with alt-C.
  • Overall, the most notable problems (aside from some major holdovers from previous builds like the Paint donut bug) are performance issues and graphical glitches. Tabbing between different views and programs both lags the system and messes up icons and tabs.

- John

- Zack

Build 472 notes

  • XO is not getting on the mesh.

==> (J5) For now if you want you can log into root at a terminal and type:

 chmod +x /etc/NetworkManager/callouts/*
  • Some activities loaded and started up... the camera keeps hanging for me; I did get a picture out of it before the activity got hung up.
  • The activities that did start up showed up in the journal, and provided a more detailed view. Resume worked for me on the newsreader activity which had started up properly.

- Kim

  • Like Kim said, the mesh is very broken. It couldn't successfully connect to begin with, so I had no internect connection. Also, if you go to Neighborhood and right-clicked on the Mesh icon, it (as well as all the wireless access points) disappeared from the view.
  • Additionally, right-clicking on a wireless access point icon got me stuck in Neighborhood view - couldn't open frames or switch views.
  • The biggest improvement seems to be that Journal appears to be working a lot better. Resume and preview work now, and search appears to at least open up a search window, though it doesn't find much (unless I type nothing in the text field).
  • Shared activities now appear on the mesh.
  • I can't quit out of journal anymore, which is good.
  • If the user is supposed to be able to click with the trackpad, the sensitivity is still off. On at least one occasion I moused over the "shutdown" option in the middle of the screen and phantom-clicked it. Actually, that does highlight a potential flaw with the click-shutdown icon being in the middle of the screen - even without the trackpad problem, the chance of accidentally clicking it when, say, trying to click an icon on the donut, would be considerable.
  • Didn't have any problems with Camera - all activities loaded fine for me except Paint and Call - but the real-time display is still not functional.
  • Chat and Call have the same activity icon.
  • Paint, rotate screen, and frame toggle are still broken in all the same ways as 466.
  • When left idle for ~20 minutes, the screen's display bugged out. Looked like it was trying to go into suspend, but messed up.

- John

Build 466 notes

  • Search feature in Journal is broken, and you cannot Resume from Journal.
  • Journal is not on the taskbar, but unlike 465 it opens properly upon boot now. However, since I can still quit out of it with alt-C, there should either be a) a way to open it from the taskbar or b) no way to quit out of it.

==> Quit out of it with ctl c.

  • Opening Paint completely breaks the activity donut (this was a problem in 465 too). Once Paint is opened, icons no longer appear on the donut, and clicking the spaces on the donut will not switch you to that activity. All the icons for activities you open appear clipped on the left side of the screen. Also, Paint itself doesn't open properly either.
  • Frequently, activities will open when I mouse over them on the taskbar but don't click them. This was an issue in 465 and it seems even more prevalent now.
  • Mouse speed is still much higher than before (is this intentional?)
  • Frame Toggle key does not work.
  • Rotate screen key does not do anything.
  • Cannot power down by pressing the power button - you must either use the option from the XO icon at the center of the donut, or hold down the power button.
  • Read now has an icon for opening files (as opposed to 465), but it doesn't work.
  • Camera still has no real-time display and the video function is still broken.

- John

  • When you press the power button, nothing happens (if you hold it down for >5 seconds it shuts down immediately). This is going to be suspend soon...so think of it as a feature.
  • To shut down, now you can use the icon on the home page. When you hover over your XO icon you will get see a shutdown flyover. This worked for me.
  • I opened Abiword, wrote some text, then went to the journal. It showed a new entry, after another click or two I saw a third Abiword entry. None of them let me resume.
  • I tried opening other activities (camera, calc, paint) and they would show up in the donut while it was trying to open, then just disappear.
  • After closing the journal with CTL C, I was able to open another activity (paint).
  • After some inactivity, the screen went into a suspend mode and resumed when I hit a key! (I believe that is the proper behavior)

- Kim