Curriculum Jam Taipei/Registration/lang-zh

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  翻譯 Curriculum Jam Taipei/Registration 原文  
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如果你有興趣參加本次活動,可以自組 2-4 人的團隊後寫信給柏強報名。來信請註明下列項目:

  1. 團隊名稱
  2. 每個成員的姓名
  3. 聯絡電話、電子郵件
  4. 介紹一下自己吧!
  5. 告訴我們
    • 為什麼想參加這個活動(每人三五句即可)。如果你有教學經驗,亦請註明。
    • 你們想在這個活動中做出什麼?三五句即可,不必是非常明確的答案,即便是「我們想一起設計某個化學實驗的教材」或「我們想教一年級的小朋友加法」都很棒!



有教學經驗一定很有幫助,但卻非必要條件。在 OLPC 計畫上次舉辦的活動中的隊伍極為多樣,從電腦遊戲設計師的團隊到親子共組的團隊、大學生兄弟檔團隊乃至於教授團隊都有!(而且勝出的是大學生兄弟檔喔!)

We also have a few spots for people who would like to work with multiple teams on a subject they are experienced in. For instance, if you are an artist and would like to be a general resource for teams at the Jam who want art, or if you are a programmer and would like to help all the teams at the Jam with their computers, please contact Mel.

Attendance at the Jam is free. (We are currently working on providing meals for free as well - we will keep you updated, but there is a chance you may have to pack a lunch or two.)

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